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Verify your school enrollment

If you’re using Post-9/11 GI Bill or Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) benefits, you can verify your enrollment for school or training on If you’re getting benefits through the STEM Scholarship, you can verify your enrollment by text or email. Keep reading to find out how to verify your enrollment based on which benefit you’re using. 

For Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits

If you’re getting VA education benefits through the Post-9/11 GI Bill, you can verify your enrollment online using our tool.

What information will you ask me to verify?

We’ll ask you to verify these 2 details about your enrollment:

  • Your credit hours or clock hours
  • The start and end dates of your enrollment for the month 

Other ways to verify your enrollment for Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits

By text

We’ll send you a text when you start your program. We’ll ask if you want to verify your enrollment by text. If you respond “yes,” we’ll send you a text every month asking you to verify your enrollment.

Note: When you verify your enrollment by text instead of email, you may get your housing payments faster. If you need to update your phone number, call us at 888-442-4551. We’re here Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET.

By email

If you choose not to get text messages or you don’t use texting, we’ll email you instead to verify your enrollment each month. We’ll send a message to the email address we have in our records for you.

Online through Ask VA

You can verify your enrollment through Ask VA. In your message, be sure to include the dates of your enrollment in school or training. 

Verify your enrollment through Ask VA

By phone 

Call us at 888-442-4551 (TTY: 711). We’re here Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET.

For Montgomery GI Bill benefits

If you’re getting VA education benefits through Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty or Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve, you can verify your enrollment online using our tool.

If you haven’t received MGIB benefits yet, you may be able to verify by text or email

If you’re just getting started and haven’t received MGIB benefits yet, you may be able to verify your enrollment by text or email. We’ll tell you in your award letter if either of these ways to verify are available to you or if you’ll need to verify online.

  • By text: We may send you a text when you start your program. We’ll ask if you want to verify your enrollment by text. If you respond “yes,” we’ll send you a text every month asking you to verify your enrollment.
  • By email: You may be able to choose email to verify your enrollment each month. We’ll send a message to the email address we have in our records for you.

Note: If you’re already receiving MGIB benefits, you can’t switch from verifying your enrollment online to verifying using text or email.

Other updates you can make using this tool

You can also update this information:

  • Your contact information for MGIB benefits
  • Your direct deposit information for MGIB benefits

For the STEM Scholarship

You’ll need to verify your enrollment each month for the Edith Nourse Rogers Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) Scholarship in 1 of these 2 ways:

By text 

We’ll send you a text asking if you want to get messages through our STEMText service. If you choose to get texts from us, we’ll send you a message each month by text asking you to verify your enrollment. 

Learn more from our STEMText video (YouTube)

Note: When you verify your enrollment by text instead of email, you may get your housing payments faster. If you need to update your phone number, call us at 888-442-4551. We’re here Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET.

By email 

You’ll need to email us each month with the dates of your enrollment in school or training. 

Verify your enrollment by email

What if I have other questions?

You can contact us online through Ask VA.

Contact us online through Ask VA

Or call us at 888-442-4551 (TTY: 711). We’re here Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET.