Sharing Warmth | Homeless Veteran Outreach
240 West 11th Street
Erie, PA
The cold weather season is quickly approaching. Shelter from the elements is a basic human need - along with food, water, and a safe place to sleep.
The Erie VAMC Homeless Care Team and the Erie Vet Center will join resources to engage unhoused Veterans, distribute cold weather clothing and care packages.
In addition to sharing items to endure the winter cold, Erie VAMC and Vet Center staff will establish coordination of services to prevent ongoing homelessness and PACT Act resources.
For more information, contact:
Jonathan Atkinson, Homeless Care Team Supervisor
814-860-2662 or
Please note that Veterans are required to bring their VA ID card or DD214.
*If you do not have an ID or discharge papers, staff will assist in retrieving verification at the event.