News releases
Get the latest news from the VA Erie medical center and community clinics. For more information about Erie health care, contact our Public Affairs Office at 814-860-2074.
Erie VA Medical Center announces town hall for Veterans on Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.
Erie VA Medical Center is pleased to invite local Veterans, their families, and community members to the annual Veterans Day Parade on Saturday, November 5, 2022.
The Erie VA Medical Center is an honored and proud recipient of the 2022 Top 25 Environmental Excellence Awards and a Circles of Excellence Award presented by Practice Greenhealth.
Erie VA Medical Center announces town hall for Veterans on Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 1:00 p.m.
Veterans Huey Gillett of Erie and Charles Motter of Franklin are participating in the 2022 National Disabled Veterans Golf Clinic (NDVGC) being held in Riverside, Iowa, September 11-16, 2022.
Erie VAMC and our County VA Clinics proudly announce drive-thru flu clinics, beginning Saturday, September 17, 2022.
Erie VAMC and our VA Community Clinics announce Saturday drive-thru flu clinics in September.
The Erie VA Medical Center proudly announces local employee, Briana Cummings, as the designer of the 2022 Veterans Day Poster.
Erie VA Medical Center proudly announces the opportunity for more Veterans to learn about and join VA’s largest research program.
Erie VA Medical Center is pleased to announce the appointment of Rickey A. Harris, Jr. as the new Associate Director effective May 8, 2022.