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Fayetteville VA Coastal Health Care System masking policy has changed


April 29, 2023

Fayetteville , NC — Masks are only required in designated high-risk clinical areas displaying red signs.

Effective Friday, April 28, 2023, Fayetteville NC VA Coastal Health Care System facilities will only require universal masking in areas identified as high-risk clinical areas, which serve more vulnerable populations. Masks will be optional in areas considered low risk.

The masking policy change was made following the completion of comprehensive risk assessments throughout our health system services and review of current national and local epidemiologic data which reflects a sustained decline in COVID-19 positive cases. As always, the health and safety of every employee and those we serve will remain uppermost in our decision-making process as the Executive Leadership Team continues to monitor transmission levels and adjust in accordance with CDC and VA Central Office guidance.

High-Risk areas (including the associated waiting areas) requiring the wearing of masks are marked by red signs:

•          Inpatient units (Fayetteville VA Medical Center-Ramsey, Bldg. 1)

•          Emergency Department (Fayetteville VA Medical Center-Ramsey, Bldg. 1)

•          Community Living Centers (Fayetteville VA Medical Center-Ramsey, Bldgs. (1st Floor 3A, Cottage 71, Cottage 73)

•          Surgical and Procedural Suites (Fayetteville VA Medical Center-Ramsey, Fayetteville Health Care Center, Wilmington Health Care Center)

•          Dental Clinics (Fayetteville VA Medical Center-Ramsey, Wilmington Health Care Center)

•          Laboratories* (Fayetteville VA Medical Center-Ramsey, Fayetteville Health Care Center, Wilmington Health Care Center) *CBOC laboratory personnel must continue universal masking during working hours while in the laboratory.

•          Dialysis Center, 2301 Robeson St.


Low-Risk areas (including the associated waiting areas) requiring the wearing of masks are marked by green signs:

•          All other Fayetteville VA Medical Center-Ramsey, Fayetteville Health Care Center/Cumberland County VA Clinic & Wilmington Health Care Center areas NOT identified above to include administrative areas, outpatient clinics lobbies and waiting areas, hallways, Starbucks, Chapel, Canteen, etc.

•          All CBOCs--Brunswick, Goldsboro Hamlet, Robeson, Sanford, and Jacksonville (all locations)

Hospital officials ask that individuals (regardless of location) with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection or other respiratory infections or individuals informed by their health care providers about their high potential for developing severe diseases. Individuals who are symptomatic are encouraged to place health and safety first. We recommend getting a COVID test, staying home, and/or rescheduling appointments.

Masking requirements are subject to change as determined by local conditions, community transmission levels, surges and/or high rates of positive cases.  Veterans and visitors are asked for their continued patience and to follow masking zone signs when visiting.

Media contacts

Gail Cureton, Public Affairs Officer


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