Homeless Virtual Health Resource Center Event
Thu. Dec 14, 2023, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm PT
Building 402
11301 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA
Join VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare Center for a Homeless Virtual Health Resource Center event. Join us to explore how to create a Social Security Online Account or learn how to switch from My HealthyeVet to the new VA.GOV. Ask and learn about the key initiatives and projects underway at the Homeless Virtual Health Resource Center. All Veterans and their caregivers/family are encouraged to attend!
We can assist you with:
- Biometric security set-up (Face I.D., Fingerprint I.D.)
- E-mail creation (Google, Yahoo, Proton)
- MHV password resets (Guides veteran through the process) VA.gov account creation (Guides Veteran)
- Social Security Admin. Account set-up (Guides Veteran)
For more information please call: 310-478-3711 x46333