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Support groups and classes

Talk with a social worker in your Prime Care Clinic for more information about support groups and classes for both Veterans and family members.

Click on the tabs below for group information.

Cancer Support

Surviving cancer can be physically and mentally challenging, but you are never alone. Join a virtual support group to share your story, hear others' experiences, and learn about your condition. Veteran-focused, confidential, and facilitated by cancer psychologist. Veterans and family members are welcome. Call-in groups are open to everyone and do not require an appointment.

RSVP or more information: Call 713-791-1414, ext. 227987. 

Breast Cancer

  • When: Second Tuesday of every month
  • Time: 11:00 a.m. via Zoom

Vets Helping Vets (General cancer support group)

  • When: Third Tuesday of every month
  • Time: 11:00 a.m. via telephone conference call

Prostate Cancer

  • When: Fourth Tuesday of each month, 11 a.m.
  • Where: Cancer Center

Urology Cancer Survivorship Seminar

  • When: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month
  • Time: 11 a.m., video and telephone conference call

Healing Touch and Integrated Health for Cancer Survivors Group

When: Third Tuesday of every month from 10:15am-11am

What: Healing Touch and other integrated health practices can help restore harmony and balance in the body. Other possible benefits include:

  • reduced stress and enhanced relaxation

  • reduced fatigue

  • improved sleep

  • improved pain management and overall well-being

Who: Open to any Veteran who has or has had a cancer diagnosis
Where: Virtual Group on VVC

To join: Contact Amanda Gunzelman at 713-408-1922 to receive meeting link

Caregiver Support

Visit our Caregiver Support page for groups and classes.


  • Gender Group
  • Pride and Courage
  • Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming, and Gender Questioning Support Group: Bravely Becoming Real

Visit our LGBTQ+ Veteran Care page for more information on these groups.

Mid Day Vets Group – AA (Veterans Only)

Attending 12 Step meetings such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) increases the likelihood of an individual maintaining sobriety. No appointment necessary. 

This is a "closed meeting" meaning it is open only for AA members or for those who have a drinking problem and "have a desire to stop drinking." This meeting is also for Veterans only.

When: Tuesdays, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Where: Room 6C-117, take green elevator to 6th floor

Point of Contact: 
Manny Satarain, Certified Peer Support Specialist

MOVE! Weight Management

MOVE! is a weight-management program designed to help you live a longer, healthier life. With the help of your MOVE! care team, you can eat a healthier diet, get more exercise, reduce your health risks, and improve your quality of life. 

Learn more about MOVE! weight management at VA Houston.


  • Epilepsy Support Group - 2nd Friday of every month
  • Multiple Sclerosis Support Group - 4th Friday of every month
  • Parkinson's Disease Research, Education and Clinical Center - 1st Thursday of each month
  • Stroke Support Group - 3rd Thursday of every month

Visit our Neurology page for more information on these groups.

Palliative and Supportive Care

Living with chronic medical illness can be challenging - physically, mentally, and socially. Join a virtual support group to share your story and bear witness to other Veterans’ experiences. Also learn skills and techniques to aid yourself and others in navigating life with chronic disease. 

Veteran-focused, confidential, and facilitated by Palliative Psychologist. Groups are open to everyone and do not require an appointment.

Point of Contact:

L. Alexis Correll, PsyD
call 713-791-1414, ext. 226948

"Finding a Path Through the Wilderness" 

When: First Tuesday of each month, 2-3 p.m.
Where: Virtual

Members will meet other Veterans diagnosed with life-limiting illness and gain knowledge and skills to help themselves and each other.

ALS Support Group

When: Third Tuesday of each month, 2-3 p.m.
Where: Virtual

Description: Members will meet other Veterans diagnosed with ALS and gain knowledge and skills to help themselves and each other.

Tobacco Cessation

VA Houston’s Health Promotion and Disease Prevention program offers 60-minute virtual or phone-based group support for quitting tobacco, led by a health behavior expert. Feel free to drop in any time, no referral required. There is no co-pay for attending.

Need extra support during the week?

Call 1-855-QUIT-VET (1-855-784-8838), 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Monday-Friday to speak to a tobacco quit coach in English or Spanish. QuitVET connects Veterans to a trained counselor who can help develop a quit plan and provide ongoing counseling and support.

Prefer to text or find support online?

  • Text VET (or VETesp for Spanish) to 47848 to receive texts with tips and tools to beat cravings.
  • Text URGE, STRESS, SMOKED, or DIPPED to 47848 for extra support.
  • Follow the SmokefreeVET Facebook page for tips and encouragement from other Veterans.
  • Download Stay Quit Coach, VA’s interactive quit tobacco app. Available for IOS or Android in your app store.
  • Find more VA resources on how to quit.

For more information, please contact Dr. Zina Peters at 281-797-8662.

Learn more about Health Promotion and Disease Prevention at VA Houston

Whole Health

  • Arts and Music
  • Biofeedback
  • Gardening
  • Guided Imagery
  • Healthy Teaching Kitchen
  • Introduction to Whole Health
  • Life Skills Workshops
  • Meditation and Mindfulness Training
  • Personal Health Planning 
  • Tai Chi
  • Taking Charge of My Life and Health
  • Yoga

Visit our Whole Health page for more information on these groups.


Maternity Care

Whole Health Maternity programming provides well-being classes for new and expecting mothers. Offerings include prenatal yoga therapy, health and wellness coaching during pregnancy, and Resilient Relationships classes for mothers and their partners, which focus on navigating the relationship changes that come with welcoming a new family member.

Visit our Women Veterans page for more information on these groups.