The Clothesline Project: Design-a-Shirt!
The Clothesline Project: Design-a-Shirt!
Room C-1202
1481 West Tenth Street
Indianapolis, IN
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Veteran Health Indiana is hosting a Clothesline Project event. The Clothesline Project is a program that began in 1990 from Cape Cod, MA, to address the issue of violence against women. The Clothesline display at Veteran Health Indiana brings awareness of military sexual trauma, sexual assault/abuse, intimate partner, and other forms of interpersonal violence of all genders.
To ‘break the silence’ that can often surround these experiences, Veterans will design shirts* that reflect their experience of interpersonal violence and recovery. Shirts will then be hung side-by-side as a Clothesline display in the Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center’s atrium during the week of April 17, 2023.
Within the VA, we want to help break the silence about Military Sexual Trauma (MST) and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).
*shirts and supplies will be provided at no cost