Gun Safety and Suicide Prevention by Firearms
Discusses facts about Veteran suicide, firearm safety practices, and tips how to have the conversation about them.
Facilitator(s): Mike Cutter, Certified Peer Specialist (U.S. Army) and Rob Otto, Suicide Prevention Program Coordinator (U.S. Air Force)
Virtual Location: MS Teams via Video Conference Link Click Here or Phone at 1-872-701-0185 (Conference ID 849 885 835 #)
Firearm safety and suicide prevention go hand in hand. Compared to the general population, military Veterans are twice as likely to die by suicide, and more likely to use firearms as a lethal means. Many gun deaths, intentional and unintentional, can be prevented by implementing safe handling and storage practices, as well as using strategies to limit or delay access to firearms for those who are at increased risk of suicide. VA healthcare providers have a critical opportunity to help save Veterans’ lives by having open and non-judgmental conversations about firearm safety with them. Whether a Veteran is having suicidal thoughts or not, the gold standards of firearm safety apply directly to suicide prevention strategies as well. This presentation discusses facts about Veteran suicide, firearm safety practices, and tips how to have the conversation about them.