VA Kansas City Hiring Fair
VA Kansas City Healthcare System is holding a Hiring Fair on Saturday, April 22, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Kansas City VA Medical Center 4801 Linwood Blvd Kansas City, Missouri 64128
4801 Linwood Boulevard
Kansas City, MO
Registration not required but highly recommended.
Potential applicants can search open job announcements listed on USA Jobs. Applicants who meet minimum qualifications for VA employment will receive an invitation to RSVP for the Hiring Fair. We ask that all applicants complete the RSVP form to confirm their appointment at the Hiring Fair.
VA Kansas City Healthcare System is hiring for the following positions.
- Medical Records Tech (Coder)
- Medical Supply Tech
- Diagnostic Radiological Tech
- Medical Technologist
- Pharmacy Tech
- Social Worker
- Nursing Assistant
- Medical Support Assistant
- Advanced Medical Support Assistant
Below are Veteran preference only:
- Housekeeping Supervisor
- Housekeeping Aid
- Maintenance Mechanic
- Motor Vehicle Operator
Potential job applicants should bring a copy of their resume and be prepared for any of the following:
- Interviews with Hiring Managers for Featured Positions
- Day-of-Fair Selections with Tentative Offers
- Credentialing, Fingerprinting, PIV Cards, Health Physicals
- Quick Scheduling for Drug Screenings
- Possible Firm Offers with Tentative Start Dates
- On-Site Onboarding with Human Resources
- Applicant Center Providing Walk-In Assistance with USA Jobs
Follow VA Kansas City Healthcare System’s official website and social media pages for the latest information.
VA Kansas City Health Care | Veterans Affairs
VA Kansas City Healthcare System | Kansas City, MO (
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