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Harrisonville PACT Act Veterans benefits and resource fair

PACT Act Banner for PACT Act town hall events.

The PACT Act is a historic new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances. Join Kansas City VA for our PACT Act Town Hall and resource fair. The event will be held 2:30-5:30



Cass County Elks Lodge 2791

2402 N State Route 291

Harrisonville, MO



Join Kansas City VA for our PACT Act Town Hall and resource fair. The event will be held 2:30-5:30 at the following location:
Monday, May 1
Cass County Elks Lodge 2791
2402 N State Route 291
Harrisonville, MO 64701-1155

Representatives will be onsite to answer your questions about toxic exposure screening, information on filing claims and more.

Any Veteran or survivor can learn more about the PACT Act by visiting our 2022 PACT Act: Understanding health care eligibility and benefits web page.

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