June: LGBTQ+ Health Awareness Month
Did you know that June is LGBTQ+ Health Month? There are so many resources and services that are specialized and available to our LGBTQ+ Veterans.
The LGBTQ+ Health Program is pleased to announce an update on visibility of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) related data fields in the medical record!
- What is SOGI?
The personal sense of one's own gender as belonging to the male (i.e., boy/man) or female (i.e., girl/woman) gender category or some other gender category (e.g., neither male nor female). Options are male, female, transgender male, transgender female, non-binary, other or does not wish to disclose.
- How is Self-Identified Gender Identity used?
Self-Identified Gender Identity helps VA staff and providers know a Veteran’s identity and use respectful terms when delivering personalized care.
- How can Veterans enter SOGI?
The new Self-Identified Gender Identity field will be blank until Veterans provide the information, either via the 1010EZ form or at their local VA facility by checking with clerical staff in a clinic or eligibility office.
- How to change name or sex in records?
Your name in your medical record will reflect your legal name. The sex in your medical record should reflect your self-identified gender. You have the right to request that your name and sex are updated as appropriate. There are established procedures for changing your name and sex with the VA Privacy Officer located in room B-5092 (x11699).
- Where can I learn more?
To learn more about SOGI fields in the electronic health records, see Birth Sex and Gender Identity Fact Sheet for Veterans 2022.pdf
VA Madison health care employees receive training in clinical care that is responsive to the unique needs of LGBTQ+ Veterans. Our trained LGBTQ+ Veteran care coordinators are fully equipped to support the health, welfare, and dignity of you and your family and can help connect you with specialized healthcare services, such as:
- Mental health services, including psychosocial assessments for hormone therapy and gender confirming surgeries
- Creative arts therapies
- Hormone therapy
- Gender-affirming prosthetics
Click below to connect with our care coordinator:
LGBTQ+ Veteran Care | VA Madison Health Care | Veterans Affairs
Learn about mental health services available to you, including access to services and benefits, policies that protect your rights as an LGBTQ+ Veteran, and how to take the next step in getting connected to care
LGBTQ+ Veterans - Mental Health (va.gov).
For more information about the Madison VA Hospital, visit www.madison.va.gov or www.facebook.com/MadisonVAHospital and subscribe to our newsletters.