YOU are welcome here! Harassment is not.
Harassing behaviors are unacceptable and are not tolerated at the Madison VA. We want to provide an inviting environment for all who served and their loved ones.
What is harassment? This is defined as unwelcome physical, non-verbal, or verbal behavior. Harassment can happen to both women and men and all harassment is taken seriously. The VA is committed to providing a safe, welcoming, and professional environment for all employees, Veterans, volunteers, and visitors. Harassment of any kind at VA facilities will not be tolerated. To help recognize and eliminate harassment within the VA health system staff have been required to participate in harassment trainings. One of the trainings offered here at the Madison VA to help reduce harassment is Bystander training which is available for both staff and Veterans. This training helps individuals recognize when harassment is occurring and learn how to safely respond to these situations so that the situation does not escalate. The training only takes 30 minutes and can make a positive impact on the VA health system. You can sign up at Veteran Bystander Intervention Training Home - Veteran Training (
Everyone can play a role in ending harassment. If you witness harassment, stop it by saying something or reporting it right away to a facility leader, the VA Police, or the Patient Advocate office. All reported incidences of harassment will undergo a thorough investigation by our VA police staff. Fr
The Madison VA takes pride in creating an environment that is welcoming to all and strives to eliminate bias that may interfere with care. The VA recognizes that Women Veterans served along-side men and deserve the same level of care and benefits that is free of disrespect. Our women’s health clinics provide an environment that is gender-sensitive and welcoming to our Women Veteran. Our Women Veterans should expect this same level of respect in all other areas of the VA system as well. You are not invisible.
The Madison VA has joined the White Ribbon Campaign which is a call to action to eliminate sexual harassment, sexual assault, and domestic violence across the Department of Veterans Affairs by promoting a positive change in culture so that the actions outlined in the pledge become the organizational norm. White Ribbon VA is an awareness movement that allows everyone to participate and feel welcome regardless of gender.
STANDUP to Stop Harassment Now! Declaration
VHA is committed to a harassment-free health care environment for everyone and will not tolerate harassment of any kind. We promise to:
Create a safe, respectful, and welcoming environment for everyone
Empower everyone to recognize, intervene, and report harassment
Advance a culture where harassment is never tolerated
Provide a seamless, secure, and compassionate system for reporting harassment without fear of retaliation
Assist Veterans, visitors, volunteers, and employees in reporting harassment
Take prompt and appropriate action to respond to reports of harassment
Be accountable by tracking harassment and the actions taken
Partner with Veterans and Veterans Service Organizations to stop harassment
We, the undersigned, dedicate ourselves to holding our leaders, our employees, and Veterans accountable to these principles.
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