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Pharmacy Residency Programs

VA Maine Healthcare System in Augusta, Maine, offers both a post graduate year one (PGY1) residency which began in 2006 and a post graduate year two (PGY2) residency in rural health which began in 2014. Both programs are accredited by the American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists (ASHP).

PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency Program

General Information

The PGY1 program offers a pharmacy experience that focuses on the ambulatory care setting but is also balanced with inpatient pharmacy practice as well. The primary purpose of our pharmacy residency program is to develop your individual skills in many areas of pharmacy practice. Our focus is on deepening your proficiency in managing the complex pharmacotherapy of our patients. To develop your clinical pharmacy skills, you will be training in a healthcare system which has long recognized the value of pharmacy services to our Veteran population. Along the way our preceptors will assist and guide you in getting the greatest benefit from each rotation.

Your year as a VA resident will be a challenging yet rewarding experience. Residency training at the VA has many advantages including access to patient records through the computerized patient record system, barcode medication administration technology, and training in pharmacist-run clinics operating under Scope of Practice agreements with a supervising physician. Additionally, opportunities exist for the precepting and teaching of pharmacy students in affiliation with local Colleges of Pharmacy. Precepting pharmacy students will help the resident to make the transition from pharmacy student to clinical instructor.

Finally, our PGY1 program takes part in the flipped research model. One of the many benefits of a flipped research model is the opportunity to present final results at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting in December. The second half of the residency year is spent picking a research project and completing the proposal to be approved as quality improvement (QI) or research, which the following residency class will finish. Overall, the program is comprehensive yet also flexible to match the career goals of each resident.

Clinical Rotations

 Mandatory Rotations are as follows:

  • Orientation to the VA (inpatient / outpatient, 6 weeks)
  • Internal Medicine/Transitions of Care (8 weeks)
  • Primary Care and Tobacco Cessation Clinic (8 weeks)
  • Home Based Primary Care (5 weeks)
  • Anticoagulation Clinic (4 weeks)
  • Pharmacy Administration and Quality Management (4 weeks)
  • Inpatient and Outpatient Staffing (longitudinal)
  • Medication Safety (longitudinal)
  • Teaching Certificate Program (longitudinal)


Elective Rotations                                                                           

The philosophy of the VA Maine Residency Program is to meet the personal and professional goals of the residents while providing pharmaceutical care to our many patients.  Residents have the option to repeat a prior required rotation at an advanced level or choose from available elective rotations (see list below). Given that the resident has completed (or is scheduled to complete) all of their required rotations, they may select up to 17 weeks of elective rotations from the list below. Durations of electives are subject to change based on resident interests/availabilities. Additional physician-precepted electives may be available based on resident interest and physician availability as well.

  • Mental Health
  • Pain Management/Opioid Safety
  • Oncology
  • Specialty Infusion Clinic
  • Cardiology/CHF Clinic
  • Advanced Primary Care/Layered Learning Ambulatory Care
  • Antimicrobial Stewardship/Advanced Internal Medicine
  • Advanced Geriatrics
  • Advanced Anticoagulation


Longitudinal Responsibilities – Residents have several longitudinal responsibilities throughout the residency year including the residency project, Pharmacy department newsletter, grand rounds presentation, and developing a Continuing Education presentation.

Residents are required to staff in the inpatient pharmacy every third weekend (Sat/Sun) for a total of 15 weekends throughout the year.  Residents also staff in outpatient pharmacy 4 hours per week for a total of 12 weeks.

  • Inpatient staffing
  • Medication Safety 
  • Teaching Certificate
  • Residency Project 
  • Grand Rounds and Continuing Education Presentation 

Sample Schedule: Resident schedules are very resident-specific and will be heavily dependent on resident skills, needs, and goals. Please see below for a sample schedule which includes all mandatory rotations.

Date Rotation Preceptor(s) 7/1/2024-8/9/2024 Orientation (mandatory) Gabrielle Hill, Hannah Magas, Erin Kany, Kristen Hanson 8/12/2024-10/4/2024 PACT/Smoking Cessation (mandatory) Jenna Barnes, Melissa Prew-Madore 10/7/2024-11/1/2024 Anticoagulation (mandatory) Phil Gall, Kate Belanger, Brianna Charles 11/4/2024-1/3/2025 Internal Medicine/Transitions of Care (mandatory) Kay Urban, Olivia Roth, Ann Spence 1/6/2025-1/31/2025 Oncology (elective) Morgan Harper 2/3/2025-3/7/2025 Home Based Primary Care (mandatory) Kate Secord 3/10/2025-4/4/2025 Pharmacy Administration and Quality Management (mandatory) Allison Spaulding, Pamela Sweeney, Whitney Sargent, Kristen Hanson, Erin Kany 4/7/2025-5/2/2025 Specialty Pharmacy/Infusion Center (elective) Miranda Rampone 5/5/2025-5/30/2025 Cardiology (elective) Brianna Charles, Kate Belanger 6/2/2025-6/27/2025 Advanced Primary Care (elective) Sarah Martineau, Gabrielle Hill

PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency Program questions? Contact:

Gabrielle Hill

Gabrielle Hill PharmD, BCPS (she/her/hers)

PGY-1 Residency Program Director

VA Maine health care



Hannah Magas

Hannah Magas PharmD (she/her/hers)

PGY -1 Residency Program Coordinator

VA Maine health care



PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency Program

General Information

PGY2 pharmacy residency programs build on Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) education and PGY1 pharmacy residency programs to contribute to the development of clinical pharmacists in specialized areas of practice. PGY2 residencies provide residents with opportunities to function independently as practitioners by conceptualizing and integrating accumulated experience and knowledge and incorporating both into the provision of patient care or other advanced practice settings. Residents who successfully complete an accredited PGY2 pharmacy residency are prepared for advanced patient care, academic, or other specialized positions, along with board certification, if available.

This PGY2 program provides a specialty level training from our experienced preceptors that results in a greater depth of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and abilities in the area of clinical pharmacy services and leadership in the ambulatory care setting.  The PGY2 Resident will deliver comprehensive medication management services and longitudinally manage complex patients within a rural ambulatory care practice. The primary clinical site is Bangor; however the resident may complete elective rotations at the Togus Medical Center or other community-based outpatient clinic. Our program is unique in that residents may obtain a scope of practice during their residency year, while still working under the supervision of their preceptor. 

Through the Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) model, the resident will work closely with physicians, nurses, and other members of the healthcare team in an interdisciplinary environment supportive of the development of the resident. The PGY2 Resident will also have opportunities for immediate and frequent contact in the work and social setting with the three PGY1 Residents at VA Maine. 

Our Pharmacy Service is comprised of people that enjoy being out front with innovative changes in our distribution and clinical programs. This attitude is evident in the strong support our Residency programs received from the Pharmacy Service and the Medical Center itself.


Clinical Rotations

Orientation (Required, 1-2 weeks)

The resident will be required to be oriented to the residency program and primary site location at the Bangor CBOC during the initial 1-2 weeks of the residency year.  The resident will receive access and training to the appropriate programs and software needed to provide clinical services. The resident will be required to complete necessary TMS training and will be oriented to the VA policies and procedures.

Primary Care Clinic (Required, Longitudinal)

This accounts for the majority of the residents weekly clinical training (approximately 3 days/week) and is at the core of the resident’s year-long learning program. Conducted in-clinic at the Bangor CBOC and virtually thru telephone and virtual video visits, the amount and quality of clinical pharmacy direct patient care is at the high level one expects within VA. These rotations emphasize the complete development of the resident’s clinical skill set in the Primary Care setting. Preceptors immediately work with the PGY2 resident toward progressive clinical independence and problem-solving. The resident develops particularly close professional relationships with our primary care providers and clinical staff thru the Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) model.

Anticoagulation Clinic (Required, 3 months)

Two days per week the resident is assigned a patient panel of anticoagulation clinic patients. At VA Maine this is a unique experience for several reasons. We have a centralized Anticoagulation Clinic (ACC) that actively manages ~250 warfarin patients and passively monitors over 3,000 DOAC patients. We use a customized Microsoft Access ® database that allows for real-time, updating and information sharing among the clinical pharmacists on a daily basis. Other features include clinical information sharing through a VISN1 Sharepoint site, anticoagulation Journal clubs with national experts as guest speakers, Time within Therapeutic Range (TTR) tracking at the patient level, and access to other outcome data for use to improve clinical practice. The resident also has an opportunity for publication thru contributions to the Anticoagulation Centers of Excellence monthly forum newsletter.

Teaching (Required, Longitudinal)

The PGY2 Resident will be asked to provide at least 1 Continuing Education (CE) program for the Pharmacy Service during the residency year. In addition, the Resident will be responsible for one additional teaching experience separate from the CE.  This may include precepting a pharmacy student or PGY1 resident, classroom or laboratory teaching from the local college of pharmacy or providing an in-service to providers and/or pharmacy staff. A teaching certificate is required, if not already completed during the PGY1 residency year.

Research Project (Required, Longitudinal)

A longitudinal research project is required to complete the PGY2 program. The PGY2 residency program is currently taking part in the flipped research model, which will allow the resident the opportunity to present final research data at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting in December. The second half of the residency year will be spent picking a research project and completing the proposal to be approved as quality improvement (QI) or research, which the following residency class will complete. The PGY2 resident may choose to study outcomes of a pharmacy service or design a new clinic service as potential projects; however, the resident is welcome to discuss other potential research topics with the RPD. 

Practice Management (Required, Longitudinal)

The PGY2 resident will be required to complete 3 professional development activities throughout the course of the year relevant to learning or practice site improvement,  which may include any of the following: in-service/presentation, departmental newsletter, patient education handout or bulletin board, written article/publication, policy or procedure development, MUE or cost-savings initiative, classroom lecture or lab teaching, leadership position in the organization or active participation in local/national VA committee, participation in RCA, development of new service/enhance existing service.

Formulary Management (Required, Longitudinal)

The PGY2 resident will participate in the adjudication of non-formulary drug requests throughout the course of the year.  The National VA Pharmacy Benefits Management (PBM) and Medical Advisory Panel (MAP) continuously update Criteria for Use (CFU) guidance that will advise the Resident on appropriate action for each request.  The drug category assignment will rotate every 6 weeks.

Available Electives

The philosophy of the VA Maine Residency Program is to meet the personal and professional goals of the residents while providing pharmaceutical care to our many patients.  Residents have the option to repeat a prior required rotation at an advanced level or choose from available elective rotations (see list below).  Electives are generally scheduled quarterly, 2 days per week.

  • Cardiology/CHF Clinic
  • Outpatient Mental Health
  • Home-Based Primary Care
  • Outpatient Oncology
  • Endocrinology
  • Specialty/Infusion Clinic
  • Opioid Safety
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Leadership/Administration

The PGY2 program is very flexible to the interests and goals of the resident and will work closely to ensure the year is tailored and help create new opportunities as needed.

Previous and Current Residents

Teaka Jackson, PharmD is our current PGY2 resident. Teaka graduated from Husson University School of Pharmacy in 2023.  She completed her PGY-1 residency at VA Maine Healthcare System and is excited to be continuing her journey as a PGY2 resident at the Bangor CBOC.

Elizabeth Dunivan, PharmD, completed our program in June 2024. She graduated from the University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy in 2022 and completed a PGY-1 residency at VA Maine Healthcare System.  Dr. Dunivan is currently employed as a Home-Based Primary Care Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner at VA Maine.

Alyssa White, PharmD, completed our program in June 2023. She graduated from the University of New England College of Pharmacy in 2021 and completed a PGY-1 residency at VA Maine Healthcare System.  Dr. White is currently employed as a PACT Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner at VA Maine.

Sarah Martineau, PharmD, completed our program in June 2022. She graduated from the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy in 2020 and completed a PGY-1 community pharmacy residency at Penobscot Community Healthcare in Bangor, ME in 2021.  Dr. Martineau is currently employed as a PACT Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner at VA Maine.

Natasha Ramsey, PharmD, completed our program in Jun 2021. She graduated from Samford University in 2019 and completed her PGY-1 residency at Sumner Regional Medical Center in Gallatin, TN.  Dr. Ramsay is currently employed as a PACT Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner at the VA Columbia Missouri Healthcare System.

Whitney Sargent, PharmD, completed our program in June 2020. She graduated from the University of New England in 2018 and completed her PGY-1 residency at VA Maine Healthcare System.  Dr. Sargent is currently employed as PACT Clinical Pharmacy Supervisor at VA Maine.

Morgan Harper, PharmD, BCACP completed our program in June 2019. She graduated from the University of New England in 2017 and completed her PGY-1 residency at VA Maine Healthcare System.  Dr. Harper worked at MaineHealth in their oncology offices before returning to VA Maine in 2023 where she is currently employed as an oncology clinical pharmacy practitioner.

Emily Stoukides, PharmD, completed our program in June 2018. She graduated from the University of Rhode Island in 2016 and completed her PGY-1 residency at VA Maine Healthcare System.  Dr. Stoukides is currently a per diem PACT Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner at VA Maine.

Sarah Howard, PharmD, BCACP completed our program in July 2017. She graduated from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy – Worcester in 2015 and completed her PGY-1 residency at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, MA. Dr. Howard is a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at the Lahey Clinic in Beverly, MA. 

Gina Puglisi, PharmD, BCACP completed our program in June 2016. She graduated from Albany College of Pharmacy and completed her PGY-1 residency at United Health Services Hospital in Johnson City, NY. Dr. Puglisi is currently a Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner at the Lexington, KY VAMC. 

Kenzie Hackett, PharmD, was the first resident to complete our program in June 2015. Dr. Hackett graduated from the University of Rhode Island and completed her PGY-1 residency at the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, MA. Dr. Hackett is a Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner at VA Boston, specializing in Home-Based Primary Care.

PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency Program questions? Contact: 

Brianna Charles

Brianna Charles PharmD, BCACP (she/her/hers)

PGY-2 Residency Program Director

VA Maine health care



Katelin Secord

Katelin Secord PharmD, BCPS (she/her/hers)

PGY-2 Residency Program Coordinator

VA Maine health care




A pharmacy preceptor is a pharmacist that shares practical experiences and training with a resident or student. Preceptors must be licensed to practice pharmacy and be in good standing within the Medical Center.  All preceptors at the VA Maine Healthcare System precept both pharmacy students and residents on clinical rotations.

Meet the Clinical Team:

Jenna Barnes, BS, PharmD, is a PACT clinical pharmacist practitioner (CPP). She obtained her BS in biological sciences at the University of Pittsburgh in 2008 and her PharmD from the University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2012. She then completed a PGY1 residency with the VA Western New York Healthcare System before accepting a position with the VA Maine Healthcare System. She currently works in primary care at the Togus VA, focusing on chronic disease state management. She also works with the pharmacy residents in the tobacco cessation clinic.

Kate Belanger, PharmD, is a clinical pharmacy practitioner in cardiology, currently focusing on anticoagulation and CHF management at VA Maine. Kate obtained her PharmD from the University of Rhode Island in 2006. After graduation she accepted a position with VA Maine Healthcare System at the Saco CBOC, later moving to the Portland CBOC in 2013. In 2022 she transitioned from primary care disease state management to cardiology. Kate is also a preceptor for the Medication Safety longitudinal rotation at VA Maine.

Brianna Charles, PharmD, BCACP, is a Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner and PGY2 Ambulatory Care Residency Program Director at the Bangor CBOC.  Brianna graduated from the University of Kansas College of Pharmacy in 2011.  She completed a PGY-1 Rural Health Pharmacy Residency at the Kansas City VA before accepting a position at the VA Maine in 2012.  She currently works in the anticoagulation and cardiology clinic.  Brianna serves as the liaison for VA Maine with the National PBM Clinical Pharmacy Practice Office's PhARMD Project for demonstrating the impact of VA Clinical Pharmacy services.  She has participated in multiple residency research projects including the Veterans Affairs Lipid Optimization Reimagined (VALOR) Quality Improvement Program and is currently working on an initiative to initiate a pharmacist-led dofetilide monitoring program at VA Maine. She serves as the Editor of the VA Maine Pharmacy Forum newsletter and pharmacy website, as well as the facility’s accreditation specialist and preceptor for the Grand Rounds and Continuing Education programs. 

Katie Coffin, PharmD, BCGP, is a clinical pharmacy practitioner working in Home Based Primary Care.  She graduated from the University of Rhode Island in 2014 and completed a PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency at VA Maine Healthcare System in 2015.  Her primary professional interests are in the areas of geriatrics, deprescribing, transitions of care, and HCV.  

Joel Coon, PharmD, BCACP, is a geriatrics clinical pharmacy practitioner. He graduated from Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI, in 2004, followed by a PGY1 residency at Bronson Methodist Hospital in Kalamazoo, MI, and a PGY2 residency in infectious diseases at University of Colorado Hospital, Denver. Subsequent career experience includes academia (University of New England) and clinical environments in both VA and non-VA practice settings in primary care, geriatrics, hepatology, and antimicrobial stewardship.

Phillip Gall, PharmD, graduated from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in 2011 and immediately went to work for the West Texas VA where his primary focus was on disease state management via telehealth. After two years, he moved to Maine to join the team at Togus where he now serves as the program manager for the anticoagulation clinic and the pharmacogenomics pharmacist for the facility.

Kristen Hanson, PharmD, graduated from Northeastern University, School of Pharmacy in 2006. She has 15+ years experience in the retail setting before joining VA Maine in 2015 in the outpatient pharmacy.  In 2018 she joined the management team and is currently the Outpatient Pharmacy Supervisor.

Morgan Harper, PharmD, BCACP, is a clinical oncology pharmacist. She graduated from the University of New England College of Pharmacy in 2017 and then completed both PGY-1 and PGY-2 (Ambulatory Care) residencies here at VA Maine. After her residency she worked for MaineHealth at their infusion centers and worked closely with their oncology offices before coming back to VA Maine in 2023.

Gabrielle Hill, PharmD, BCPS, graduated from the MCPHS University accelerated PharmD Program in 2015. Following graduation, she completed her PGY-1 Residency at VA Maine Healthcare System. Upon completion of her residency, she continued with VA Maine as an inpatient pharmacist. She moved into her current role at the Portland CBOC as a PACT Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner in 2021. She focuses her practice on chronic disease state management as well as HIV PrEP medication management for Veterans across the state. Additionally, she acts as the Residency Program Director for the PGY-1 pharmacy residency program.

Erin Kany, PharmD, BCPS, is the inpatient pharmacy supervisor. She graduated from University of New England College of Pharmacy in 2017 and completed her PGY-1 Pharmacy Practice Residency at VA Maine Healthcare System in 2018.  After completing her residency, she joined the VA Maine outpatient pharmacy team and then became the internal medicine clinical pharmacy specialist in March of 2020.  In September 2022, she transitioned into her current role as the inpatient pharmacy supervisor.

Ariana LePage, PharmD, graduated from the University of New England College of Pharmacy in 2016. Following graduation, she worked retail pharmacy until accepting a position in the outpatient pharmacy here at VA Maine in 2018. In 2021, Ariana accepted her current position as a PACT clinical pharmacy practitioner for the Presque Isle and Calais CBOCs. She additionally serves as the outpatient pharmacist on the Antimicrobial Stewardship team here at VA Maine.

Hannah Magas, PharmD, is a clinical pharmacy practitioner at the Bangor and Lincoln CBOCs. Hannah graduated from The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy in 2020. She then completed a PGY-1 Ambulatory Care Residency at the VA Central Ohio Healthcare System before accepting a position at the VA Maine Healthcare System in 2021. She currently works in the primary care clinics at the Bangor and Lincoln CBOCs co-managing chronic disease states. Additionally, she acts as the Residency Program Coordinator for the PGY-1 pharmacy residency program.

Sarah Martineau, PharmD, graduated from the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy in 2020. She completed a PGY-1 community pharmacy residency at Penobscot Community Healthcare in Bangor, ME in 2021 followed by a PGY-2 ambulatory care residency with VA Maine Healthcare System at the Bangor CBOC. Upon completion of residency, Sarah accepted her current position as a PACT clinical pharmacy practitioner. She currently works in the primary care clinic at the Portland CBOC providing chronic disease state management. 

Sarah Mierz, PharmD, graduated from the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy in 2020. She completed a PGY-1 community residency at Penobscot Community Health Care (PCHC) in Bangor, ME in 2021 and was hired on at PCHC as a full-time primary care pharmacist after completing her residency. She accepted her position at VA Maine in 2024 and works as a PACT clinical pharmacist practitioner to provide chronic disease state medication management.

Melissa Prew- Madore, BS, PharmD, is a clinical pharmacy practitioner in the primary care clinic. She graduated from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy with a Bachelor's of Science degree in 1990. In 1998 she received her PharmD from Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana, and went on to complete a PGY2 residency in primary care in 1999 from the Medical College of Virginia Hospitals/VCU. Her current practice areas include primary care and supporting the Women’s Health Clinic.

Miranda Beaudoin Rampone, PharmD, CSP, MSCS, graduated from the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy in 2008. She went on to open and manage several Walgreens pharmacies throughout Maine. In 2014, she left retail pharmacy to pursue a specialty clinical pharmacist role at Briova Specialty and later at Apothecary by Design Specialty Pharmacy in Portland. Miranda obtained her Certified Specialty Pharmacist credential from the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy in 2017. In 2020, she joined VA Maine as an outpatient pharmacist and now serves as our first Specialty/Infusion Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner. Most recently in June 2024, she became a Multiple Sclerosis Certified Specialist through the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers.

Melissa Richardson, PharmD, graduated from the University of New England College of Pharmacy in 2020 and completed her PGY-1 Pharmacy Practice Residency at VA Maine Healthcare System in 2021. After completion of her residency, she joined the primary care team at VA Maine as a PACT clinical pharmacy practitioner. She works at the Lewiston CBOC in disease state management and the anticoagulation clinic.

Olivia Roth, PharmD, is an Internal Medicine/Transitions of Care clinical pharmacy specialist at Togus VA Medical Center. She obtained her PharmD from Western New England University in 2020. She completed her PGY-1 pharmacy residency at VA Maine Healthcare System in 2021 before accepting her current full-time clinical pharmacy position at Togus.

Whitney Sargent, PharmD, BCACP, graduated from the University of New England College of Pharmacy in 2018. Following graduation, she completed both her PGY1 and Ambulatory Care PGY2 residency programs here at VA Maine. In 2020, Whitney accepted her current position as a PACT clinical pharmacy practitioner at the Portland CBOC. She additionally supervises all of the PACT Clinical Pharmacy Practitioners for VA Maine.

Kate Secord, PharmD, BCPS, graduated in the inaugural pharmacy class at Husson University in 2013. She completed an ambulatory care focused PGY1 at VA Central Iowa Health Care System; continuing on to complete a PGY2 residency focusing in psychiatry at the VA Salt Lake City Health Care System. She currently works in Home Based Primary Care supporting the Bangor, Lincoln, and Caribou teams providing comprehensive medication management. Additionally, she acts as the Residency Program Coordinator for the PGY-2 Ambulatory Care Residency Program.

Sarah Smith, PharmD, BCACP, graduated from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy in 2008. After graduation, she worked as a community pharmacist for three years before deciding to pursue a PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency. After completing her residency here at VA Maine Healthcare System, Sarah joined the University of New England College of Pharmacy as a full-time clinical assistant professor. During that time, Sarah maintained an ambulatory care APPE practice site at the Lewiston-Auburn CBOC. Currently she serves at the VA full-time as a clinical pharmacy practitioner, with a primary focus of providing chronic disease state management for the Lewiston/Auburn CBOC.

Allison Spaulding, PharmD, CDE, graduated from Northeastern University in 2010. She completed a PGY1 residency with Boston VA Healthcare System before accepting a position at VA Maine Healthcare System working in the primary care clinic at the Lewiston VA CBOC where she managed chronic disease states (i.e. diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia) and long term anticoagulation. Allie served as the Residency Program Director for the PGY1 from 2016 through 2020. She is now the Associate Chief of Pharmacy for VA Maine.

Ann Spence, PharmD, is an Internal Medicine Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner (CPP)/Antimicrobial Stewardship Pharmacy Champion (ASP) here at VA Maine Healthcare System. She obtained her PharmD at the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy in 2019 and completed her PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency at the Cincinnati VA Medical Center (CVAMC) in 2020. She was hired on at CVAMC as an Inpatient Staffing Pharmacist in 2020 and promoted to Internal Medicine Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner in 2022. She then was transferred to the Internal Medicine CPP/ASP position at VA Maine in July 2023.

Pam Sweeney, PharmD, BCPS, graduated from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy in 2007 and completed a PGY1 residency with the VA Connecticut Healthcare System before accepting a position as a VA Clinical Pharmacy Specialist. Following her residency, she worked in a primary care clinic co-managing patients with chronic disease states and upon returning to Maine started the first pharmacist run diabetes medication management clinic at VA Maine. She later transitioned to a leadership role as the Clinical Coordinator where her primary responsibility was oversight and management of all clinical pharmacy services. She currently serves as the Chief of Pharmacy Service for the VA Maine HealthCare System.

Kay Urban, PharmD, BCGP, is a clinical pharmacy specialist in internal medicine/transitions of care. She graduated from Albany College of Pharmacy and worked at a private hospital in Upstate NY for several years prior to coming to VA Maine. Since starting at VA Maine, she has worked as an inpatient staff pharmacist and as the clinical pharmacy specialist for the long-term care and hospice units.

Alyssa White, PharmD, graduated from the University of New England College of Pharmacy in 2021. Following graduation, she completed both her PGY1 and Ambulatory Care PGY2 residency programs here at VA Maine. In 2023, Alyssa accepted a position as a PACT clinical pharmacy practitioner at the Bangor CBOC.

Erica Wonson, PharmD, BCPP, graduated from Northeastern University School of Pharmacy in 2008. Following graduation, she completed her PGY-1 Residency at Central Virginia VA Healthcare System, where she also later became the PGY-2 Psychiatry Residency Program Director and the Associate Chief of Pharmacy of Clinical Services. She now serves as one of the Academic Detailers for VISN 1 and part time Mental Health Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner at VA Maine.


Current Residents

Jade De Vera, PharmD, is a 2024 graduate from the University of Illinois Chicago College of Pharmacy at the Rockford Campus. Jade is from Huntley, IL, a village located in northern Illinois. She is excited to be in New England to begin her career as a pharmacist at the VA Maine Healthcare System and provide care to our nation’s veterans. During her PGY-1 year, Jade is excited to further explore her interests of ambulatory care and cardiology, as well as diverse areas of patient care. For her residency project, she will be assessing the impact that a Patient-Aligned Care Team Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner has on patient outcomes at the VA Maine Healthcare System.

Samantha Morris, PharmD, is a 2024 graduate of East Tennessee State University Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy. Samantha is originally from Fairfield, PA, a small town in south central Pennsylvania. She is excited to be living in Maine and beginning her career as a pharmacist at VA Maine. During her time as a PGY-1 resident, Samantha is looking forward to exploring all that the program has to offer, especially her interests in infectious disease, internal medicine, and geriatrics. For her residency project, she will be evaluating the utilization and impact of the newly implemented esketamine clinic at VA Maine in Veterans with treatment-resistant depression.

Raven-Joie Reyes, PharmD, is a 2024 graduate of Roseman University College of Pharmacy. Raven is from the city of Las Vegas, Nevada. She is excited to be a part of the pharmacy team at VA Maine. As a PGY-1 resident, Raven is looking forward to exploring her interests in oncology, ambulatory care, pharmacy leadership, and antibiotic stewardship. For her residency project, she will be evaluating the effect that a certified pharmacy technician has on patient outcomes and the impact that they have on clinical pharmacist utilization here at the VA

Teaka Jackson, PharmD, is a 2023 graduate from Husson University School of Pharmacy. She is from Manchester, ME, a small town located next to the state’s capital. Teaka completed her PGY-1 residency with VA Maine and is excited to be continuing her journey as PGY-2 resident in ambulatory care at the Bangor CBOC. Her residency project will be to initiate a pharmacy-led dofetilide monitoring program.