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Rick Ellet, Shares With Us Why He Does It

Rick Ellet, Shares With Us Why He Does It
What is Your Why - VA Volunteer Driver, Rick Ellet, Shares With Us Why He Does It
By Willy Martinez, Public Affairs Specialist

Their tales leave us utterly spellbound; their altruism stirs our very souls. Our devoted volunteers, they are the pulsating life force of our organization, ceaselessly creating ripples of change in the lives of our cherished Veterans each day. It's nothing short of awe-inspiring!

Have you ever pondered the motivations behind their actions? We sought to understand, and their responses touched our hearts deeply. For some, it's a poignant tribute to the courageous individuals who have served our nation with honor. For others, it's an emotional contribution to a cause that resonates profoundly within them. But universally, it's about creating significant and life-changing differences in the lives of our veterans.

Rick Ellet, Marion VA Volunteer Driver.

“People wonder why I do it. I love to let them know is that it is very fulfilling. It’s necessary. If you are having a bad day and you want to bring yourself up, try volunteering with us. It’s very uplifting. It will make you feel better. 

Selfishly, I feel like I get more out if it than they do. It’s fun, we interact, we laugh, and we joke.  I literally can’t wait to get to the VA so that I can interact with these Veterans.” 

Hear Rick’s story here: Facebook

If you would like more information on just how to fill one of these valuable assignments, please call the Marion VA Health Care System, Center for Development and Civic Engagement (CDCE) Office at (618) 993-4121.