Out of the Office and Into Life: The Importance of Community Inclusion - Mental Health Month
Community is one of the four pillars that help support individuals on their recovery journey.
Presented by VA Midwest Health Care Network Local Recovery Coordinators
- All virtual events are free. We welcome and encourage all Veterans and Veteran supporters (i.e. family/friends, caregivers, community partners, VA staff, etc.) to attend!
- Join via Microsoft Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTNjOGY5MDgtNTczZS00YTk1LTlmNmEtNjgxM2IwNGVmZWQ0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e95f1b23-abaf-45ee-821d-b7ab251ab3bf%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a89cfed7-406c-4de9-9b28-520ab0f8c754%22%7d
Title: Out of the Office and Into Life: The Importance of Community Inclusion
- Date/Time: 5/10/2024 12-12:45 pm CT
- Facilitators: Kristin Jurek, PsyD, LP St. Cloud & Katie Weinkauff, MSW, LCSW-S Des Moines
Description: Community is one of the four pillars that help support individuals on their recovery journey. This presentation will focus on the impact that community inclusion has on our health and well-being. Time will be spent exploring different ideas for community participation to help inspire each other and create a stronger sense of community within the VA Health Care System.