Welfare Checks and Ethics - Mental Health Month
Examine the ethical considerations to be taken into account when responding to and managing suicide risk.
Presented by VA Midwest Health Care Network Local Recovery Coordinators
- All virtual events are free. We welcome and encourage all Veterans and Veteran supporters (i.e. family/friends, caregivers, community partners, VA staff, etc.) to attend!
- Join via Microsoft Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTNjOGY5MDgtNTczZS00YTk1LTlmNmEtNjgxM2IwNGVmZWQ0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e95f1b23-abaf-45ee-821d-b7ab251ab3bf%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a89cfed7-406c-4de9-9b28-520ab0f8c754%22%7d
Title: Welfare Checks and Ethics
- Date/Time: 5/29/2024 12-1 pm CT
- Facilitator: Blake S Schneider, MSW, LISW Des Moines
Description: Suicide risk management is inherent to mental health care. As such, education on risk management strategies is necessary to ensure proper care, abide by legal standards, and adhere to professional conduct guidelines. A powerful, potentially lifesaving, but risk-laden intervention is the police welfare check. The purpose of this training is: to examine the ethical considerations to be taken into account when responding to and managing suicide risk, address how these ethical considerations are reflected in Social Work Code of Ethics standards, and to provide explore Therapeutic Risk Management strategies to best manage these concerns.