News Releases
Get the latest news and information from Montana VA-area medical centers and clinics. For more information about Montana VA health care, contact our Public Affairs Office at 406-447-7303.
The Montana VA Health Care System (MTVAHCS) is hosting an open house event at the Butte VA Clinic in Butte on May 5. The open house is being held to celebrate the first anniversary of the state-of-the-art clinic’s opening.
Montana VA Health Care System is participating in the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) National Prescription Take Back Day.
The Montana VA Health Care System will honor its many volunteers from April 16 to April 22 as part of National Volunteers Week.
The Montana VA Health Care System (MTVAHCS) is hosting an onsite hiring event at the Fort Harrison VA Medical Center in Helena on March 23. The hiring event is focusing on filling Medical Support Assistant, Advanced Medical Support Assistant, Release of Information, Housekeeping Aids and File Clerk positions.
Travis W. Atkins VA Clinic Open House Event Highlights Veteran Healthcare Programs, Celebrates One-Year Clinic Anniversary
Montana VA Health Care System was recently awarded two new residency programs for nurses. These nurse residency programs are the first in Montana VA’s history.
Landlords Encouraged to Support Veterans Through Use of Available HUD-VASH Vouchers
New Legislation Makes Immediate Care Available for Veterans in Crisis
The Montana VA Health Care System (MTVAHCS) is hosting an open house event at the David J. Thatcher VA Clinic in Missoula on Feb 3.
Virtual Town Hall To Take Place February 2 from 5:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.