Montana VA Seeks Public Comments For Transfer Of Miles City CLC Property
Montana VA is now asking the public for comments on the potential impacts to historic properties and cultural resources as a result of the proposed property transfer of 210 South Winchester Avenue in Miles City, Custer County, Montana.
As part of Public Law 106-419, Congress directed the VA to transfer the property to Custer County. In January 2023, the VA reached an agreement with the county in which VA would demolish the existing CLC and transfer the vacant greenspace back to the county.
This project is a federal action subject to review under the National Historic Preservation Act. Through this notice, the VA is providing the public with information about the undertaking and seeking public comment and input about the undertaking’s effects on historic properties pursuant to 36 CFR § 800.2(d) and on cultural resources such as buildings, historic districts, archaeological sites, objects, and structures.
If you would like to comment on the proposed project at this time, please contact Jose L. Rivera Hernandez at and reference “VA Miles City Section 106.”
The VA asking that all comments by provided for the proposed project by February 15, 2024.
WHEN: Comments will be accepted through February 15, 2024.
WHERE: Comments will be collected by email.