Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program
VA New Jersey health care offers a comprehensive person-centered, recovery-oriented assistance program for Veterans, their families, caregivers, and VHA employees who use or experience intimate partner violence (IPV).
What is domestic violence?
Domestic violence refers to any violence or abuse that occurs within the "domestic sphere" or "at home", and may include child abuse, elder abuse, and other types of interpersonal violence.
What is intimate partner violence?
- Physical, sexual, or psychological harm
- Stalking behavior by a current or former partner that occurs on a continuum of frequency and severity ranging from emotional abuse to chronic, severe battering or even death
- It can occur in heterosexual or same-sex relationships and does not require sexual intimacy or cohabitation
Emotional violence
Emotional IPV is when a person tries to hurt their partner emotionally and mentally. It is common for emotional IPV to begin before other types of IPV.
Examples include:
- Humiliation, shaming
- Name calling, putting you down
- Controlling your money or spending
- Keeping you from friends and family
- Bullying, stalking
- Controlling where you go or what you wear
Physical violence
The intentional use of physical force with the potential for causing death, disability, injury, or harm
Examples include:
- Hitting
- Slapping
- Choking
- Biting
- Shoving
- Kicking
- Restraining
- Hair-pulling
Sexual violence
Unwanted sexual activity that is threatened, attempted, or completed
Threats of violence
Some people experience only one of these forms of violence, while others may experience more than one. IPV can be a single event or can last for many years. No matter what, no one deserves to be treated this way.
How does the intimate partner violence program help?
Raise awareness
- IPV campaigns, awareness events, materials
- Staff training & education
Build community partnerships and resources
Serve those who experience IPV
- Implementing routine screening
- Establishing intervention plan & resources
Serving those who use intimate partner violence
- Implementing routine screening
- Establishing intervention plan & resources
Serving VA staff
Building internal collaborations with Employee Assistance and Workplace Safety
Many people within VA can help you get services
VA employees who are impacted by IPV can contact their Employee Assistance Program.
VA can provide community referrals for things such as legal advice, shelters, and support groups.
Talk to your primary care provider and they can refer you to a mental health specialist such as a social worker or psychologist.
Contact us:
Kaydeen Bishop
Intimate partner violence program coordinator