Campus map
Use this information to navigate the facility or locate your care provider’s office. To print the map, download the file and print. This will provide the highest quality image.
From Upstate and Manhattan
Take the Brooklyn Bridge or Battery Tunnel to the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway (BQE). Follow the signs on the BQE toward the Verrazano Narrows Bridge, which will lead you into the BQE extension. Exit at 92nd Street (last exit before the bridge). Make a left at the first traffic light (92nd Street) and drive to 7th Avenue. Make a right onto 7th Avenue and continue around the golf course to the medical center on your right. Make a right into the parking lot entrance at the next light.
From Long Island and Queens
Take the Belt Parkway to Bay 8th Street/14th Avenue exit. Make a left at the first light onto Cropsey Avenue. Make a left at the second light onto 14th Avenue. Follow 14th Avenue as it curves and turns into Poly Place. Make left at the next light into the parking lot.
From Staten Island
On the Verrazano Bridge, stay in the right lane and exit at 92nd Street. Make a right at the first traffic light onto 92nd Street and drive to 7th Avenue. Make a right onto 7th Avenue and continue around the golf course to the medical center on your right. Make a right into the parking lot entrance at the next light.
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Additional GPS Information
When programming your GPS for directions, use one of the following:
Brooklyn Campus of the VA New York Harbor Healthcare System
800 Poly Place
Brooklyn, NY 11209
Poly Place & Washington Drive
40°36'32.55"N 74°1'25.07"W