Women’s Veterans Health Resource Fair

Women Veterans,
Inside the Facility
145 Heron Bay Road
Jacksonville, FL
The North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System is hosting a Women’s Veterans Health Resource Fair in Jacksonville, Friday June 14,2024 from 10AM-2PM at the Jacksonville North VA Clinic and Domiciliary. All Veterans, and most of all, Women Veterans are invited to come out and celebrate with us!!!
The event will take place at the brand-new Jacksonville North VA Clinic and Domiciliary located at 145 Heron Bay Road, Jacksonville, FL 32218. This will be an exclusive event for our Women Veterans and their families in the Jacksonville area and surrounding counties. You don’t want to miss this great opportunity!!!
If your organization/resource would like to be a vendor at this great event, please confirm your attendance with me at kiara.jones@va.gov and include the below information:
Name of Organization/resource:
POC Name:
Phone Number:
Email address:
Please return requested information back to me NO LATER THAN June 7, 2024.