VA Community Mental Health Summit

Stopping the Stigma
Elks Lodge #330
6245 E. 2nd St
Prescott Valley, AZ
The 13th Annual VA Community Mental Health Summit will have presentations on moral injury, PTSD and family relations, inequities in women Veteran mental health care, and more!
08:00 – 08:20 Set-up/ Vendors/Registration
08:00 - 08:40 Registration/Networking/Vendors
08:40 – 08:55 Welcome - MHBS, Veterans and Stigma Opening Ceremony - Color Guard, National Anthem
08:55 – 09:00 Welcome and Intro to the day's agenda
09:00 - 10:30 Keynote: Ethics of Stigma and Unconscious Bias in Health Care
10:30 - 10:45 Break/Networking/Vendors
10:45 - 11:45 Breakout 1A – Barriers in Women Veterans’ Mental Health Care and How to Overcome Them
10:45 - 11:45 Breakout 1B– Veteran Stigma & Impact on Employment
12:00- 13:15 LUNCH on your own/Networking/Vendors
13:15 - 14:15 Breakout 2A – S.A.V.E. Training for Suicide Prevention (Signs, Ask, Validate, Encourage)
13:15 - 14:15 Breakout 2B - Collaboration of Mental Health Providers with Spiritual Leaders in Healing Veterans with Moral Injury
14:15 - 14:25 Break
14:25 - 15:30 Breakout 3A – From Struggle to Strength: Building Resilient Relationships Amidst Posttraumatic Stress
14:25 - 15:30 Breakout 3B – Out of the Ashes (Homelessness, PTSD, SUD, etc.)
15:30 - 15:45 WRAP UP