Veterans Now Have Several Options to Get a Flu Shot
September 28, 2021
Oklahoma City , OK — Flu vaccines are now available at no cost to eligible Veterans. The Oklahoma City VA Medical Center will also begin offering drive-through flu shot clinics next week. This will allow Veterans to avoid crowded waiting rooms and get their shots in the comfort of their own cars.
It’s never too early to start thinking about receiving your annual flu shot. And with COVID‑19, getting a flu shot is more important than ever. A flu shot is a safe way to protect yourself and those around you from getting sick and having complications from flu. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is especially important for all of us to do our part to help reduce the spread of the flu in our communities.
“As we continue to fight the flu and COVID-19 together, the safety of our Veterans continues to be our top priority,” said Wade Vlosich, Medical Center Director. “Vaccination is the surest way to protect against getting the flu. We strongly encourage all our Veterans to get their flu shot this year to protect themselves and help keep the flu from spreading to others.”
This year, Veterans enrolled at the VA Oklahoma City health care have several options to get a flu shot:
1. Veterans can get a flu shot from their provider during any scheduled appointment.
2. Veterans without an appointment can get a flu shot at our drive thru clinic. This will allow Veterans to avoid crowded waiting rooms, and get their shots in the comfort of their own cars.
Flu shot drive thru clinic
Do I need an appointment?
No appointment required.
What are the dates and times?
Oklahoma City VA Medical Center
SE Parking Garage Entrance (NE 13th Street and Kelley Ave)
October 04 – October 29, 2021
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Closed federal holidays (October 11, 2021)
Will my spouse be able to get a flu shot at the VA?
No. Spouses and caregivers will not be able to receive a flu shot at the hospital or one of our clinics.
What should I wear?
On the day of the clinic, we ask that you please wear a loose-fitting short sleeve shirt (or tank top), as you will need to roll up your sleeve.
What to expect?
- You will receive a handout about the influenza vaccine and a list of allergy questions.
- The nurse will administer a flu shot while you sit in your vehicle. For everyone’s safety, please stay in your car.
- After receiving the flu shot, you will be directed to a parking area to wait 15 minutes for monitoring. Although rare, allergic reactions can occur.
What special precautions will be used to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
- You will be asked COVID-19 screening questions.
- You must wear a face mask even when sitting inside your vehicle.
- You will stay in your vehicle.
- All staff will be wearing a face mask, face shield and gloves.
- Frequent handwashing and keeping surfaces clean.
3. Flu vaccines are now available at no cost to eligible Veterans at more than 70,000 in-network community providers nationwide. For more information about how to receive your flu shot in the community, visit community care info.