Stress Solutions
Presented by American Red Cross
This is an online event.
The American Red Cross Military and Veteran Caregiver Network provides structured peer support to caregivers from all eras, all relationships, and across all locations to increase their connection, engagement, knowledge, skills, and hope. • Connection – Our safe and secure Online Community provides a space where caregivers can connect for peer support • Engagement – Peer support is provided through 1:1 peer mentoring, online or in-person peer support groups, or within moderated groups in the Online Community. • Knowledge – Our Resource Library contains over 3,500 vetted resources and our Master Calendar highlights activities in their communities or across the country.• Skills – Caregivers can receive evidence-based training to become peer mentors, peer support group facilitators, or online moderators to prepare them to provide support to other caregivers.• Hope – Our peer support programs encourage caregivers to connect and share their experiences with other caregivers to decrease the isolation so many caregivers feel and promote a greater sense of hope and wellbeing.