OWF/E2I Resume Building Virtual Workshop
Discover how to translate your military experience to civilian language, target employers, and develop an impressive resume that gets you noticed!
We have teamed up with Hire Heroes USA to bring this quality information to your fingertips. Military experience creates unparalleled skills in the civilian workforce and this event will teach you how to translate those skills successfully before separation. Hire Heroes USA and OWF/E2I's goal is to engage transitioning military service members in the most meaningful way, by helping them to discover new possibilities.
Eventbrite may not work optimally on government issued computers. If you have trouble accessing the link, please use a personal device. Please ensure you are using the latest updated version of Zoom which offers enhanced access when navigating the Resume Writing Workshop.
Thank you for joining U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency, Recovery Coordination Program OWF / E2I and Hire Heroes Virtual Resume workshop. Claiming in advance Recovering Service Members learn how to translate your military experience to civilian language, target, employers, and develop an impressive resume that gets you noticed!