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Online: Krieger Gaming VA General Q&A

Krieger Gaming General Q&A VA Online





VA is joining Krieger Gaming, an online Discord community providing peer support through gaming and camaraderie, for an online question and answer session on VA for benefits and healthcare questions. The event will be held on Krieger Gaming's Discord, and open to all who have questions or want to listen. Discord is a free and popular communication platform primarily used for voice, video and text chat amongst gamers and other communities. Join the Krieger Gaming's Discord at



You will need to use an email account to set up with Discord and also create a username. Once set up, to access Krieger Gaming Discord use the link above. Registration is not required for the event just to use the platform. There is no cost associated with registering.  Once on the Discord, there will be a list of channels/rooms you can join within Krieger Gaming. The rooms you are looking to join are under the Community Lounge drop down. Veteran-chat will allow a room to set up and speak with Veterans. 

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