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Director's Veteran Message December 15, 2023

Dr. Adam Robinson, director VAPIHCS
By Adam M Robinson Jr, Director

VAPIHCS Veterans, At VA Pacific Islands Health Care System (VAPIHCS), we’re always looking for ways to reach out and make connections with the Veterans in the Pacific Islands.

A new program we have started is “Chaplains and Tea,” where our Chaplains will be available to chat with anyone who comes in. The Chaplains and Tea will take place at the Spark Matsunaga Ambulatory Care Center (ACC) from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on the third Monday of each month. This month, our Chaplain and Tea will take place on December 18, 2023. Come see us and learn how Chaplain Services can help you. 

Seasonal Celebrations

Many religions have celebrations in December. How are you celebrating your own spirituality this month? Spirituality is unique to each person and is an important part of the Whole Health journey. Spirituality can include religion but also community, gratitude, forgiveness, and connecting with nature. We get to decide how to bring religion and spirituality into our lives (or not). What aspects of spirituality matter most to you? Find out more here:

Gift Giving

At VAPIHCS, we are honored to have the opportunity to care for our Veterans. It is a privilege to serve the men and women who have worn the cloth of our nation, and we have a lot of extraordinary Veterans in the Pacific Islands. Some of our Veterans are also very generous and want to give gifts to VA staff who have helped them at this time of year. While this is understandable, please know that federal law prohibits our staff from accepting gifts. The only exception made is for small food items such as donuts or cookies, which supervisors may accept at their discretion. Remember: It is our honor to serve you, and the only gift we need is your presence. 

Thoughts from Chaplain Richie Charles

Whether it be an exciting game of chess, or a riveting tennis match, competitive games can keep us on the edge of our seats, as we witness a match that can crown only one person (or team) as the victor. Part of the appeal of these games is that the stakes are by no means imaginary - regardless of how good the opposing sides of the game might be, only one will walk away with the win. These games are considered “zero-sum” games,  because the win of one team automatically spells the defeat of the opposing side. 

But while it may be understandable to view sports matches as zero-sum games, it can pose a challenge when one approaches life and work with the same thinking. A zero-sum mindset in life assumes that the success of one individual must inevitably mean that another person cannot succeed as well. It can cause one to view reality through a “scarcity” lens, and rather than celebrate the achievements of others, it can lead us to feel insecure about them. 

But I’ve found that one of the hallmarks of true inner freedom is to genuinely be happy for others when they succeed - even if their success lies in the very area where you are also seeking to thrive. But this requires that one zoom out, and look at the bigger picture. While a scarcity approach wants their slice of the pie, and gets nervous if another person’s piece seems too big, an abundance mindset is instead thinking of how to make a bigger pie. 

The truth is that life is not exactly like a tennis match. In life, there are many ways to win, many opportunities for success, and many areas where one can thrive and grow. We are all running our own individual race, with our own purposes. We are not all wired the same, and we can still thrive in our own unique ways. Let’s embrace and celebrate our unique life paths. 

One Team, One Ohana!
Adam M. Robinson, Jr., MD, MBA, CPE 
Director, VA Pacific Islands Health Care System
36th Surgeon General, USN

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