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Clinical affiliates - medical and specialty students

To all Health Professions Trainees (HPTs: students, interns, residents and fellows), VA has implemented a new process nationwide through the MVI System – this will be automated and you will receive notification with instructions on the documents that you will need to submit to the website (you no longer send these via email to the trainees coordinators). The requirements will be listed on the site. Please act on the notification promptly, the site is equipped with a progress bar that will tell you status of your paperwork.

If you are out-of-state, it is best to go to a nearby VA facility to complete “courtesy fingerprinting”, to get the processing of your application expedited, within 3 to 4 weeks prior to arrival in California.

Contact a nearby VA facility; ask to be connected with the office that processes fingerprinting at their location (i.e., Human Resources, VA Police, etc.) and make the necessary arrangements.:

  • Palo Alto VA fingerprints
  • SOI# VA F1
  • SON# 1440

Find a VA facility near you

Notify your POC/trainees coordinator at VA Palo Alto to inform them you will be completing “courtesy fingerprinting”.

Records training for trainees

An online tutorial for the Computerized Patient Records System (CPRS) – the VA's electronic medical record – is available on the web. Please review this prior to your orientation session at VA Palo Alto health care. Tab by tab provides a self-paced overview of the CPRS. While it is not necessary to review every module, those dealing with the cover sheet, medications, orders, and notes contain crucial information needed to function safely and efficiently.