Nutrition Classes
Did you know?... Your dietitians offer many nutrition classes designed to help you achieve your health goals via virtual appointment. Virtual appointments make VA health care more convenient for you and other Veterans and caregivers. Virtual appointments enable you to quickly and easily meet with your VA care team through secure and private videoconferencing sessions. You can attend nutrition classes in a virtual medical room using the camera on your phone, computer, or tablet. There are NO Co-Pays for virtual appointments.

Registered dietitians are available to meet with you to discuss nutrition concerns:
Contact: Nutrition Scheduling 503-273-5112 . You can self-refer to these classes, but an appointment is required.
Or Consult: Contact your provider or care team and ask them to enter a consult to schedule into the group.
Nutrition class details
Unless otherwise stated, all classes are...
no consult required,
by appointment and registration is required.
Call 503-273-5112 to register and get scheduled.

Healthy Teaching Kitchen (HTK)
Making healthy food choices is the #1 thing you can do for your health. Learning how to cook can be one step towards getting healthier foods on your plate. The Healthy Teaching Kitchen (HTK) program provides in-person and live, virtual cooking classes for Veterans to increase nutrition knowledge, cooking skills, and build confidence in cooking at home with healthy, minimally processed foods.
Who can attend?
- Classes are open to VA-enrolled Veterans and one support person per class.
Why HTK?
- Making healthy food choices is the #1 thing you can do for your health.
- 95% of HTK participants report learning new recipes that will help them on their journey to healthy living.
Is there a cost?
- If you have a co-pay for VA visits, this may apply to HTK cooking classes.
Healthy Teaching Kitchen Basics Classes
Virtual Demonstration Classes: A 90-minute class offered twice every month via VA Video Connect (VVC).
- 1st Tuesday each month at 1:00 p.m.
- 2nd Wednesday each month at 2:00 p.m.
In-Person Demonstration Classes: A 90-minute, 6-week class series starting in both January and July at Portland VA.
- Tuesdays (6 consecutive weeks)
- 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
In-Person Hands-on Classes: A 90-minute class offered one time each month from January to December at Portland VA.
Look out for more details to come!
Healthy Teaching Kitchen Seasonal Classes
Cooking from the Garden: A 60-minute, 4-week biweekly class series, offered in May-June.
Look out for more details to come!
Healthy for the Holidays: A 60-minute, 4 week, biweekly class series offered in November-December.
Look out for more details to come!

Diabetes Prevention Class
Available to Veterans who have been diagnosed with Prediabetes or are trying to prevent Diabetes. Includes education on healthy lifestyle such as healthy eating, achieving, and maintaining a healthy weight, and increasing physical activity.
- 1st Thursday at 8:15 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
Diabetes Basics Nutrition Classes
For Veterans, along with family member and/or Caregivers, who are interested in learning more about how nutrition impacts diabetes.
2nd Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Heart-Healthy Classes
A class focused on the basics of heart-healthy eating.
Topics include;
- Identifying risk factors for heart disease;
- reviewing lab values associated with heart health;
- understanding the components of a Heart Healthy Eating Pattern;
- locating saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, and sugar on the nutrition facts label;
- understanding how additional lifestyles can impact heart health.
2nd Monday at 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Exploring Plant-Based Eating Class
An introduction to plant-based eating. This class will review what a plant-based diet pattern is, the benefits, key nutrients and foods recommended. Includes tips to get started and actionable steps to implement this eating pattern.
- 2nd Friday
- 9:30 - 11 a.m.
Nutrition and Chronic Pain
This follow up class to our Introduction to Whole Health Nutrition group is a one-time workshop to learn about the anti-inflammatory diet and chronic pain.
- 2nd Monday at 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Nutrition Made Easy
A four week nutrition basics class to learn the foundations to eating healthy.
Week 1: Nutrition Basics
- Learn nutrition basics including classes of essential nutrients, food groups, and building a balanced plate.
Week 2: Master Meal Planning
- Explore the benefits of meal planning and basic strategies for planning individualized, healthful and delicious meals.
Week 3: Virtual Grocery Store Tour
- Increase your confidence while grocery shopping including selection of foods in all food groups, how to read and use food labels, and how to grocery shop on a budget.
Week 4: Making Meal Prepping Work for You
- Learn about different approaches to meal prepping, shortcuts to save time while cooking at home, redefining "convenience foods" as healthy options, proper storage of various foods and appropriate food safety.
- New series begins beginning of each month on Thursdays (4 consecutive weeks)
- 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Mediterranean Diet Class
Learn about the Mediterranean-Style Eating Pattern including types of foods, meal planning tips, and strategies for incorporation into your daily life. Learn about the health benefits of this pattern such as supporting brain and heart health.
- 2nd Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Intuitive Eating Classes
Intro to Intuitive Eating Class (one-time class)
- 3rd Wednesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Intuitive Eating Program (12-week program)
- Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
What is Intuitive Eating?
A non-diet approach to health created by dietitians focusing on the following:
- Giving yourself permission to eat in harmony with your mind/body & food
- Letting your internal hunger and fullness cues guide you
- Eating due to physical, rather than emotional, cues
- Being able to select foods that feel good and energize your body
Want to learn more? First, enroll in the Intro to Intuitive Eating class to learn about how to become an intuitive eater.
Healthier Kidneys Through Nutrition
Have you been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)? Do you need help managing your CKD? Did you know changing your eating habits and regular exercise can help slow down CKD and also lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels?
- Last Friday of the month
- 12:00 p.m.
This one-time class will discuss nutrition and physical activity basics for chronic kidney disease (CKD), including practical recipes to prepare at home and tips for dining out.
To sign up for this class, contact