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Empowering Equality: Women Take Center Stage at VA Providence

(Left to Right) VA Providence's Joanne Barrett, Jessica King, and Jessica Madison at the Women's Equality Day table that was located in the main lobby
(Left to Right) VA Providence's Joanne Barrett, Jessica King, and Jessica Madison at the Women's Equality Day table that was located in the main lobby.
By Justyn Charon, Public Affairs Specialist

At VA Providence, we celebrated Women’s Equality Day by setting up an informative table in our main lobby, ensuring that Veterans had access to valuable resources and the chance to learn about the history of the day.

Hosted by VA Providence's EEO Federal Women’s Special Emphasis Committee, the table offered information and support to all Veterans who stopped by. This day serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing fight for equality, and we're proud to stand alongside our women Veterans and all those who continue to advocate for equal rights. At VA Providence, we honor the contributions of women in service and beyond.