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Heroes and Healing: Spiritual Care Week

Chaplain Rotunda East working behind her desk in the VA Providence Chapel
Chaplain Rotunda East working behind her desk in the VA Providence Chapel
By Justyn Charon, Public Affairs Specialist

Spiritual Care week is an annual event that celebrates the role of chaplains and spiritual caregivers.

This year, the theme is "Chaplaincy and Mental Health, It's Healthy to get Help". The theme highlights the importance of seeking professional help for mental health issues, and the support that chaplains can provide to Veterans and their families.

Chaplains are trained to offer compassionate and confidential counseling, as well as spiritual guidance and resources. They can help veterans cope with stress, trauma, grief, moral injury, and other challenges. Spiritual Care week is an opportunity to recognize and appreciate the valuable service that chaplains and spiritual caregivers offer to the VA community.