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Should I create a or account to sign in to

You can choose to create either of these types of accounts. is a secure U.S. government account that meets modern security standards. You can use to access VA benefits, services, and information in a single, secure account. And you can use your account to manage other government benefits and services (like Social Security benefits and federal job applications). 

You can also choose to create an account. is a commercially-owned account that also meets modern security standards. You can use your account to manage VA and other government benefits and services. 

Sign in or create an account

VA benefits

  • Health care

    Apply for VA health care, find out how to access services, and manage your health and benefits online.

  • Disability

    File a claim for disability compensation for conditions related to your military service, and manage your benefits over time.

  • Education and training

    Apply for and manage your GI Bill and other education benefits to help pay for college and cover expenses while you’re training for a job.

Need more help?

MyVA411 main information line: 800-698-2411