What should I bring to my health care appointments?
Bring your health insurance cards and Veteran Health Identification Card.
Bring an updated list of all the medications you’re taking, including any of these:
- Prescriptions from any provider
- Over-the-counter medications (like antacids)
- Vitamins, supplements, and herbal remedies
- Medications you get in a clinic or as a sample
For each medication, include this information:
- The name
- Why you take it
- How often, how much, and how you take it (like a pill or injection)
- Who prescribed it (if it’s a prescription medication)
Bring anything that might help your health care team work with you to make treatment decisions:
- Changes in the medications you’re taking or how you’re taking them
- Problems, questions, or concerns with your medications
- Allergies or reactions to your current or past medications
- Care you receive from other providers
You may need to take other steps to prepare for certain appointments, like video appointments. You’ll find these instructions in your appointment details.