Adaptive Sports Cycle Clinic June 6-8, 2024
Join VA Salt Lake City’s Adaptive Sports Cycle Clinic from June 6-8, 2024! Open to Veterans, families and caregivers. Discover adaptive cycling and stay active. Contact Shannon O'Rawe to attend this event.
Adaptive Sports Recreation Therapy Program facilities in Building 1, first floor in outpatient Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
500 Foothill Boulevard
Salt Lake City, UT
Starting points
We strongly encourage attending the first day, as the clinic will have other starting points on days two and three. Please note that the Clinic is from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily.
Equipment information
Veterans with adaptive cycles are encouraged to bring their equipment to learn about specific mechanics and maintenance. Veterans do not need their own equipment to participate.
RSVP and contact information
Please contact Shannon O’Rawe to RSVP and secure your spot and equipment, or if you have questions about the clinic or adaptive sports.
Our Adaptive Sports Cycle Clinic will introduce Veterans to a new, exciting way to stay active through VA's unique recreational therapy services. Adaptive cycling may appeal to Veterans who have had amputations, use prosthetics, are adapting to injuries and are looking for new ways to be active. They will also learn about bike maintenance and participate in group rides.