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New data shows Veterans’ increased use of online VA health care tools during COVID-19 pandemic


August 6, 2020

WASHINGTON , DC — The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) released new data today showing a significant increase in the use of My HealtheVet, a VA online tool designed to help Veterans make informed decisions about their health.

From January to June 2020, Veterans and providers exchanged more than 11.6 million secure messages through My HealtheVet, a 24.1% increase compared to the same period in 2019.

Veterans also made more than 11.2 million prescription refill requests through My HealtheVet; an 8.1% increase compared to the same period in 2019.

“VA’s long-standing priorities to make sure Veterans have a convenient way to manage their health through telehealth technologies is proving successful,” said VA Secretary Robert Wilkie. “Investing in the development of the infrastructure early gives us the ability to quickly adapt to the current health care environment.”

VA attributes the increase in use of its online health care tools to its proactive approach to keep Veterans and VA providers safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Through My HealtheVet, Veterans can request VA prescription refills, review their VA medical records and connect with their VA providers by exchanging secure online messages.

My HealtheVet is a program of VA’s Office of Connected Care which works to extend Veteran care beyond the traditional office visit.

