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Read about what's happening in our VA Salt Lake City health care community.

Bradley Anderson is transforming Veterans’ lives as a National Veterans Golden Age Games (Golden Age Games) coach. He trains Veterans, promoting "Fitness for Life" through a blend of physical and mental health strategies.

A man in a red polo standing in front of a white tent

Veteran artists show off your skills. The Salt Lake City VA Health Care System is holding its local Creative Arts Competition.

National Veterans Creative Arts Contest

VA Salt Lake City Health Care System and the Utah Air National Guard joined forces for a comprehensive National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) exercise, June 20.

Two people stand over a simulated casualty and triage the manikin's injuries

At the 38th National Veterans Golden Age Games (Golden Age Games), camaraderie and competition are a family affair for Ray Tingstrom and his sons, Pete and Mick, as they demonstrate the enduring bonds of service and fitness.

Four men in uniform. Three wearing Army dress uniforms and one wearing an Air Force uniform.

VA Salt Lake City Health Care System invites eligible Veterans to participate in its  Adaptive Sports Cycle Clinic from June 6, 2024, to June 8, 2024.

A woman riding an adaptive bicycle on a dirt road

Do you know how to access your VA health care on federal holidays?

A woman wearing a green blouse talking on a headset

U.S. Army Veteran Don Phillips celebrated his 70th wedding anniversary in December 2023. At an age when many of his peers are slowing down, 93-year-old Phillips is strength training in preparation for his third competitive effort at the National Veterans Golden Age Games.

Older man with an orange shirt holding up a green discus

U.S. Army Veteran Ron Clements made a name for himself as a skilled aircraft electrician while serving in Vietnam. “When no one could repair the helicopter of a three-star general; I fixed it in five minutes,” he said. “They flew me everywhere to fix helicopters and gave me an extra rank.”

Front and back view of a wooden jewelry box that has two eyes, buttons and two arms on the side.

Ron Anderson's story of caring for his father, a proud WWII pilot, in his final years — is a journey of love, duty and resilience aided by the support of VA Salt Lake City's Caregiver Support Program.

An elderly man with glasses and a hat sitting in a wheelchair

VA Salt Lake City reflects on the contributions and sacrifices of Black and African Americans who have shaped the nation.

Black History Month graphic  African Americans and the Arts