Read about what's happening in our system or nearby VA health care systems.
We know our Wyoming Veterans are creative... and that's why we want more of you to get national recognition for that art, just like Wyoming Veteran Deb Zelenak.
On Tuesday, Nov. 8, our health care system will join with the Cheyenne VA Health Care System and Veterans Benefits Administration to share information about the new PACT Act legislation during a live telephone town hall. The following list is for additional resources on the PACT Act.
Sheridan-area bars... we need your help.
The Sheridan VA Medical Center does NOT have an emergency department, nor do any of the eight community clinics which make up the health care system.
The Sheridan VA Health Care System will soon offer check-in by phone.
It has been said that without employees an organization cannot survive and prosper. At the VA Sheridan Healthcare System we employ more than 200 RNs, LPNs, and nursing assistants, and have a need to hire more nursing staff as the demand for Veteran healthcare services has increased.
They were pioneers during a time their country needed them most, yet they were also America’s best kept secret until recently. The Women Air Force Service Pilots of World War II paved the way for women in the military today. 100 year old WASP Veteran Nell Bright is the epitome of Upholding Valor.
Throughout the VA Sheridan Healthcare System, everyone worked tirelessly to care for our Veteran population as the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in the United States.
Eighty years later he can still hear the sirens wailing from Battleship Row. The sounds are what he remembers most from that day. That, and the fires.
It was late March and the grip of COVID-19 had frozen the nation. Businesses closed, residents hunkered down, and the world stopped. But for the second time in a year, Eduardo Cardenas was running toward the danger.