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Sheridan bars--Will you help us end Veteran suicide?

Graphic banner to accompany article about Veteran suicide prevention campaign with local Sheridan, Wyoming, bars.
SHERIDAN, Wy. (Aug. 29, 2022) Graphic banner for article about Veteran suicide prevention campaign with local bars.
By Kristina Miller, Public affairs officer

Sheridan-area bars... we need your help.

There are Veterans in our community who need someone to talk and may not reach out to us. While we want to be a resource for all of them, it's MUCH MORE IMPORTANT to us they get help when they need it. Who can give that help? Our community members... but we need your help connecting the dots.

In January this year, we kicked off our #ReachOut2Me campaign with local coffee shops, which involved giving out stickers to patrons. Now we are moving into the second phase of the campaign--this one will be in local bars. Instead of stickers, we have beverage coasters. 

Free coasters?

Yes. In short, we are asking bars to give out the coasters we provide to patrons. They have a cool graphic on the front with information for the Veterans Crisis Line. However, on the back they have a BIG ASK. The text includes a request the holder of coaster saves the Veterans Crisis Line information in their phone and, most importantly, that they use the coaster in a social media post to share the message that if any Veteran in their circles ever needs someone to reach out to they could "Reach Out to Me." Heavy right? Maybe even a bit scary... but that's what we need. Individuals who are willing to step up and put themselves out there to help a Veteran if they're in crisis. Luckily those individuals don't have to do it alone, because the Veterans Crisis Line is a 24/7 resource for ANYONE who is concerned about a Veteran in crisis. That's right. ANYONE can use it (phone, text, or online chat) if they are concerned about a Veteran and don't know what to do.

Bars that sign up will receive the coasters and  a packet of materials to augment the effort, to include a "Proud Supporter of the VA's Campaign to End Veteran Suicide" poster, counter display and other items.

What would my bar/staff need to do? They work hard and I don't want to add to their plate.

Nothing... just having the coasters available is the minimum we ask.

Want to do more? This is a easy endeavor to share with your social media followers--encourage them to join in this effort and tag you so we can grow this effort even more.

Really want to make a difference? Our suicide prevention team can provide training to your team, so they know what to do if they're concerned about someone, whether Veteran or not. This campaign is about Veterans, but our Wyoming community members need help. Did you know that Wyoming leads the nation in suicide rates? We have more than double the national average, according to the Wyoming Department of Health. That's why we need every single person in the community to know what to do if they are concerned about ANYONE who is in crisis.

Sign my bar up!

If you are the owner/manager of a local Sheridan bar and would like to take part, please stop at the Sheridan VA booth at the September Third Thursday on Sept. 15. We will have the coasters and packets available for you to pick up. Can't make it? Please email and provide your contact information--someone from our team will contact you to arrange delivery of the material.