I Have a Dream
As we remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
I thought it a great opportunity to share the link of his timeless “I Have A Dream” speech below. He was an inspirational person of character whose actions, not just his words, embodied truth, courage and justice during a time of great adversity. Our Veterans and staff also inspire me as they face challenges each day with tenacity and grit. One of our staff who also is a Veteran and military retiree, expressed his thoughtful personal experience with me that I wanted to share. – VASNHCS Executive Director Kevin Amick
“The Department of Defense and Department of Veteran Affairs has afforded me over 27 years of equal opportunity, which has allowed me to reach as far as I could, based on my own goals and aspirations. It was pioneers like Martin Luther King Jr. who helped pave the way for policies and procedures that govern the way we currently do business. As the current Equal Employment Opportunity Manager for VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System, my mentorship quote remains the same: ‘Everyone has the opportunity to do great things in life if they apply themselves and reach for it.’ - Arzie Gordon, Air Force Veteran & VASNHCS Employee”
We will post his speech on Monday, January 17 on our Facebook page.