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Find contact information for members of VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System's leadership team.
William J. “Bill” Caron, a member of the Senior Executive Service, is Director of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Southern Nevada Healthcare System.

Medical Center Director

VA Southern Nevada health care

Kristan Murray, MHA, FACHE Deputy Director of Southern Nevada Health Care

Deputy Director

VA Southern Nevada health care


Dr. Ramu Komanduri, Chief of Staff at the VA Southern Nevada Health Care System

Chief of Staff

VA Southern Nevada health care

Dr. Desiree Crawford is the Associate Director Patient Care Services/Nurse Executive (ADPCS/NE).

Associate Director Patient Care Services/Nurse Executive

VA Southern Nevada health care

Melissa A. Palmer, MD, Acting Deputy Chief of Staff.

Deputy Chief of Staff

VA Southern Nevada health care

Linda Rankin, MSN, MBA, MJ, BS, RN, Deputy Nurse Executive

Deputy Nurse Executive

VA Southern Nevada health care

Acting Assistant Director Jesse Diaz

Acting Associate Director/Assistant Director

VA Southern Nevada health care

Antoinette Pretto-Sparkuhl serves as VASNHS’ Executive Quality, Safety and Value Officer.

Acting Associate Director

VA Southern Nevada health care

Charles W. “Chuck” Ramey serves as the Communication & Customer Experience Executive for the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Southern Nevada Healthcare System.

Communications and Customer Experience Executive

VA Southern Nevada health care
