Virtual Women Veteran Healthcare TownHall
Tue. Jun 27, 2023, 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm ET
Syracuse-area Women Veterans enrolled in VA Healthcare are invited to a Virtual Women Veteran Healthcare Tele-Townhall on Tuesday, June 27, from 5-6 pm EST.
Dial in (audio only) at 1-855-962-1452 or live stream at
Participants will be muted during the presentation. Press *3 on your phone to ask a question
Presentations will include:
- Maggie Banks speaking on VA Women’s Health Reengagement Training (heaRT) an official training program offered to all women Veterans through the Office of Women's Health.
- Jane Zalsky, NYS Veteran’s Benefits Advisor from NYS Department of Veterans Services, speaking about the VBA claims process and helpful information to know about when placing a claim.