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Guided Exploration of Military Servicewomen's Healthcare Experiences and Related Outcomes (GEMS HERO)

Guided Exploration of Military Servicewomen's Healthcare Experiences and Related Outcomes
By Stephen Tyler, Visual Information

The Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center is currently recruiting for a new and exciting research study focused on minority female Veterans!

Female Veterans know what great care looks like, and we want to learn from you! We want to know what YOU think, and you can tell us by participating in a phone or virtual individual interview. 

You are eligible if you meet the following criteria: Minority female, past or present military service, over age 19, no cognitive impairments, not employed at the Tuscaloosa VAMC. 

Details: Your participation will last approximately 1 hour, and you will receive $50 for your time. Participation is voluntary and has no impact on your VA healthcare or benefits.


Princess Nash, Co-Investigator 


205-737-5304 or

205-554-2000 Ext: 3276