Women Veterans forum schedule FY24
All women Veterans are invited to participate in an upcoming focus group or town hall. YOUR VOICE MATTERS!
VA values the care provided to women Veterans and we pride ourselves in providing exceptional health care options to all Veterans, especially women Veterans.
Jonathan M. Wainwright VA's Women Veterans Program Manager, Jennifer Oetman, invites all women Veterans - even if you are not receiving care at the VA - to join any of our upcoming forums to collaborate with VA on health care options for women Veterans. What care are you looking for from VA?
Following is a list of upcoming opportunities to join us in answering your questions and hearing your wants and needs. NO RSVP required; join us for any or all of these events.
- Thursday, March 21 | Women Veterans Focus Group (virtual) | 2 - 3 p.m.
tinyurl.com/Focus-Group-032124a or call 872-701-0185 (Code 714 490 59#) - Thursday, June 6 | Women Veterans Focus Group (virtual) | 2 - 3 p.m.
tinyurl.com/Focus-Group-060624 - or - call 872-701-0185 (Code 846 105 578#) - Thursday, August 29 | Women's Health Town Hall | 5 - 6 p.m.
(Details to come) - Thursday, September 19 | Women Veterans focus Group (virtual) | 2 - 3 p.m.
tinyurl.com/Focus-Group-091924 -or- call 872-701-0185 (Code 885 069 985#)
For any questions about these events, please contact Jennifer Oetman, MSW/LICSW at jennifer.oetman@va.gov or call 509-525-5200, ext. 27159. Let VA be your provider of choice!