Shifting Gears to Empower the Mind
A map of directions to all of life’s answers is not something that can be found on the shelves for purchase. Vietnam Veteran Aaron Pepis knows this first-hand and has tried just about every option.
Sitting across from what he calls a “shrink,” does not do it for him, and Tai Chi after many chances he also found was not his cup of tea. This all changed when he gave Whole Health Coaching a shot.
Whole Health does not just touch on moving the body, but the program explores the mind of Veterans too.
The mindful experience partners with Veterans to inspire thought-provoking and creative approaches that maximizes potential. The journey empowers participants to make health-generating change that places them in the driver’s seat and their Whole Health Coach as the co-navigator.
Once put in drive, Veterans learn about their habits, triggers, and reactions. As they veer right and left with their co-navigator, they discover behaviors about themselves, even as Aaron has experienced 77 years later, which he would have otherwise never touched on.
The Whole Health advocate says, “I have finally bloomed, I really have become a different person and I am no longer the stubborn, old sailor. Whole Health Coaching has allowed me to be more open minded, disciplined, and actively listen.”
As each road of the journey is passed in the rearview mirror, a new road is up ahead to travel.
For Aaron, one of the paths that the power of the mind broke was a lifelong habit taught from a young age. From devouring a dozen of donuts in one sitting as a response to emotion, to now leaving the habit behind with pounds down on the scale, he no longer is the first in line for hot, fresh donuts- He is now in control.
He says, “The people of Whole Health are absolutely delightful. You know, some providers just want to crank out numbers. This is different, it is about sharing, and I always come out of the session feeling better. If you want to grow, you are going to grow. It is good for me and to me.”
With the right mindset, as Coaching assists Aaron, it too can happen for all Veterans that engage in the self-initiated change to develop strategies that build a healthier future.
Confident in himself and his decisions, he says with joyous tears filling his eyes, “Now, I'm pretty darn happy with myself. I was right in my thinking to be able to take advantage of what the VA offers. I think one of the biggest problems, especially with most men, is that they're not willing to try stuff that's new. If you don't give it a try, you'll never know.”
The chance he took on Whole Health Coaching is the reason he now grins with true confidence in himself and is now unafraid of the road ahead he has yet to travel.
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