Legal Aid Clinic

Do you have legal questions or need legal advice?
Building 2, Room 110
5500 East Kellogg Drive
Wichita, KS
This clinic is for civil legal questions or if you are in need of legal advice. Veterans are encouraged to make an appointment by signing up via the link below or by phone. Appointments are available in-person or via tele-video. This clinic is not for criminal issues.
Types of Assistance Offered:
- Record Expungement
- Bankruptcy
- Elder Law
- Child Support
- Divorce
- Guardianship/ Conservatorship
- Individual Rights
To reserve your appointment, please scan code or visit: or by phone by contacting Jeffrey Friedlander at (316) 889-5352. Last day for reservations is July 29th, 2024.
For additional information involving criminal justice issues or the VJO Program, please contact the Veterans Justice Outreach Coordinator: Jeffrey Friedlander, LICSW, LISW at (316) 889-5352