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Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center Offering Pharmacogenomic Testing for Veterans

Human Gene layered graphic with Doctor in lab coat typing on i-pad.

Wilkes-Barre Veterans Affairs Medical Center (WBVAMC) is now offering Pharmacogenomic (PGx) Testing for Veterans.

It is a onetime blood draw that uses the genes extracted from your blood to look at how you breakdown medication to help find the right medication and dose for you.

Genes are part of our DNA, which provides instructions on how your body develops and functions. Each person has small differences in their genes, and because of this, people respond differently to medications.

Pharmacogenomic Testing helps your provider better understand how your body processes or responds to many common medicines, including medications prescribed for pain, cholesterol, upset stomach, depression, and many more. PGx testing can help your provider determine if there is a better dose or type of medicine for you, which may help reduce medication trial and error, reduce hospitalizations caused by adverse reactions, and reduce opioid exposure.

One warning is that Pharmacogenomic Testing is not recommended for patients who have had a liver transplant or bone marrow transplant.
The Wilkes-Barre VA offers Pharmacogenomic Testing to Veterans at NO COST through December 2024, which is a great savings, as this test could cost several hundred dollars in the community sector!
Results are typically available to you and your doctor within two weeks. Veterans interested in receiving the blood test should reach out to their VA primary care provider. To learn more, view a brief video explaining pharmacogenomic testing.  You may also visit our website and get answers to frequently asked questions.…

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