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This Suicide Prevention Month, Butler VA Offers Resources to Support Veterans

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Suicide is preventable and there is hope. This September, throughout Suicide Prevention Month, the Butler VA is offering resources to help Veterans who are struggling.

“Veterans are at a higher risk for suicide compared to the general population. Veterans are trained to be resilient, yet stigma can make it hard to reach out for help,” said Dr. Shanea Clancy, Butler VA’s Suicide Prevention Coordinator. “We want to remind Veterans that they do not have to solve life’s challenges alone. The Butler VA is here to support them.”

The Butler VA’s Suicide Prevention Team will be present at multiple community events throughout September to spread the word about available resources and programs available to Veterans. In addition to participating in special events throughout Suicide Prevention Month, the Butler VA offers assistance for Veterans all year round. Learn more by visiting or reaching out to the Butler VA’s Suicide Prevention Team: Dr. Shanea Clancy, (878) 271-6552; William Rudd, (878) 271-6096; and Raymond Rumbaugh, (878) 271-6022.

The suicide rate among Veterans in 2019 was 52% higher than non-Veteran adults in the U.S., according to the 2021 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report. Everyone can be part of the solution by checking in with the Veterans in their life and encouraging them to reach out if they need help. Visit to download and share social media content to spread the word.

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, contact the Veterans Crisis Line to receive free, confidential support and crisis intervention available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Dial 988 then Press 1, text 838255 or chat online at