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My VA Health

VA is here to help Veterans who are part of the Columbus VA with My VA Health. If you don’t find the information you’re looking for below, please call the My VA Health Support Line at 888-444-6982. Customer service representatives are standing by to help.

Accessing My VA Health

Where do I sign in to My VA Health?

You can access the portal using any of the following ways:

More information about My VA Health

To access My VA Health, you may continue to sign in via or However, you must have a Premium My HealtheVet account, Premium DS Logon Account or an account.

If you have a basic or advanced My HealtheVet account, you must upgrade your account to Premium to use My VA Health. Go to for a step-by-step guide on upgrading your account., where you access My VA Health, is not currently compatible with Internet Explorer, which may be the default browser your device uses to access the internet. For the best patient portal experience, VA recommends using one of the following browsers: 

How do I save My VA Health as a bookmark on my browser?

  1. Log in to My VA Health. For the best experience, use either Microsoft EdgeChrome or Safari as your internet browser.
  2. Click on the “Message” tab at the top of the page.
  3. Click “View and Send Messages.”
  4. Select “New Message.”
  5. You can search for your provider/doctor by typing their name in the “To” field, which will begin pulling relevant results. Each result will include the provider’s VA facility, first and last name, specialty and their affiliated health care team.
  6. Write your message and click “Send.

What if I don’t remember my doctor/provider’s name?

You can find your doctor/provider’s name in the patient information section of My VA Health.

  • Click on the drop-down menu in the upper-right corner of the page, to the right of your name.
  • Click on “Patient Information.
  • Your provider’s name is shown in the “Medical Contacts” section at the bottom of the “Patient Information” list. 

You can quickly refill your medication by clicking on the “Pharmacy” tab in My VA Health.

  1. Log into My VA Health. For the best experience, use either Microsoft EdgeChrome or Safari as your internet browser.
  2. Click on the “Pharmacy” tab at the top of the screen.
  3. Click on the “Details” box of the medication you want to refill.
  4. Click on the “Refill” button to open the “Refill Medication” screen.
  5. If the details are correct, select “Refill.”
  6. When the refill is submitted, a “Refill Successful” message displays. The medication information also shows the date that a refill was requested.

If you do not see your desired medication in the list, it may have expired. However, you can message your doctor/provider through My VA Health and request a renewal of your prescription.

  1. When you select “Refill” on a medication with no refills remaining, the “Prescription Renewal” message window opens. Here, you can send a prescription renewal request to your provider and/or care team.
  2. Use the drop-down menu under “Who do you want to send this request to” to indicate who you want to send the request to.
  3. You can also type in the reason for renewal, quantity requested and any additional comments.
  4. After choosing how you should be contacted, click “Send.

Are there other ways I can refill my prescription?

  1. You can call the Automated Refill Line (also known as Audiocare) and refill prescriptions by dialing  and selecting Option 1.
  2. You can also request refills and renewals during appointments with your providers. If you are unable to use My VA Health or Audiocare, you may contact your local clinic at  for assistance.

Fact sheets to download

Veteran User-Guide