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Whole Health to host Fall Garden Celebration, Sept. 6

Fall garden celebration invitation

Fall is quickly approaching, and the Cincinnati VA Medical Center’s (VAMC) Whole Health and Treatment, Recovery, and Activity Center (TRAC) teams are ushering in the new gardening season with a Fall Garden Celebration, Sept. 6, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the VA Organic Garden.

The Fall Garden Celebration is an opportunity for Veterans, families, and caregivers to check out the garden while learning about health and wellness through live, educational demonstrations. During the celebration, those in attendance can expect to participate in activities like drumming, mural painting, ask the gardener, selfies with sunflowers, and more. Light, healthy bites will also be served throughout the event.

“Come out and take in the fresh air, smell the mint and sage, see the colorful flowers and produce, feel the dirt, and taste the bounty of the harvest,” said Dr. Shari Frensemeier, Whole Health Section Chief and health psychologist. “ We hope you’ll join us for a mindful experience that engages all your senses.”  

The VA Organic Garden, located at the rear of the medical center, opened in 2022 to serve as an inclusive, therapeutic environment where Veterans, their families, and caregivers can partake in fellowship and gardening. While part of the gardening experience is centered on the positive impacts it has on mental and emotional health, Veterans also learn to prepare nutritious meals using the produce they’ve grown during Healthy Teaching Kitchen classes led by VA dietitians.

VA Organic Garden groups meet year-round with a different focus each quarter. Any VA-enrolled Veteran and their caregiver may join the gardening groups at any time.  Garden groups meet on Mondays and Fridays from 10 – 11 a.m.  To get started, participants are asked to attend a one-time session to create a personalized health plan that is centered on what matters to them. For more information or to register, call 513-475-6381.

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