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From a pant size 40 to 32

Navy Veteran John Kash goes for a walk outdoors.
Navy Veteran John Kash goes for a walk outdoors.
By Maya Jordan, public affairs specialist

Navy Veteran John Kash used to drink two gallons of whole milk a day, until his primary care doctor referred him to a dietitian with the VA’s MOVE! Program. Now he is down 53 pounds and feeling great.

“When I went to my first dietitian appointment, I weighed 250 pounds and had high blood pressure and back issues” said Kash. “I used to volunteer with the fire department and hurt my back on a rescue call because the extra weight was putting stress on my back.  I knew I had to make a change.”

In February of 2024, Kash met with VA dietitian Raychelle Clarke to get help with weight loss.   Together, they set his goal weight at 185.   

“I really enjoy working with Veterans who need help with weight management,” Clarke said.   “Through our VA Move! Program I can provide Veterans with tools to make healthier food choices.  It can be life-changing.”

Kash, who no longer struggles with back pain since losing weight, is committed to regular exercise.  Rain or shine, he can be found at a local track near his home walking about six miles a day.

“When I walk, I sweat and it sure feels good,” he said.

Physical activity isn’t the only thing that has contributed to Kash’s weight loss. He also watches what he eats, enjoys healthy cooking and typically has two meals a day.

“I’ve cooked since I was a kid and I’ve learned to make healthy substitutions,” he said. “I think it’s okay to eat what you like, just as long as you do it in moderation.”

To keep himself on track, Kash uses the notes application on his iPhone, where he lists every item he has eaten along with the corresponding calories.

As a result of his weight loss and ongoing lifestyle changes, Kash says he is no longer on medication and only visits his doctor for his annual checkups.   His weight loss journey has even inspired him to purchase some new clothes. 

“I am 67 years old and I’m wearing the same size pants I wore the day I enlisted in the U.S. Navy back in high school,” he said proudly.

Congratulations to Mr. Kash.  To learn more about the VA’s MOVE! weight program visit: MOVE! Weight Management | VA Houston Health Care | Veterans Affairs.